View Full Version : Scared of Brain Tumor

01-06-20, 03:48
I’m Matt and I am an 18 year old male. I’ve always struggled with health anxiety and it’s always been debilitating since it’s always on my mind whenever an episode kicks in.

I’ve been fearing a brain tumor for a while because of my symptoms. Random muscles tend to twitch however they have gotten better overtime. I get occasional heart palpitations. My chest hurts sometimes depending on how I move it (musculoskeletal pain). Whenever I stand up, I get lightheaded. And TODAY a new symptoms arose which is my ear felt full and it’s been ringing all day. Constant ringing noise. I’m honestly afraid for my body. This could all be anxiety and in my head but I really don’t know. Some days I feel amazing but other days I feel fatigued.

I’m honestly scared.


01-06-20, 08:05
Hi Matt, I am so sorry to hear you are so frightened, I really do think what you are experiencing is anxiety related you are describing some of the things I experience daily and I have had several scans due to unrelated reasons and there is absolutely nothing there.

When my anxiety is incredibly high (it has been especially so lately) i get a whole host of weird and not so wonderful symptoms. I too have had ear pressure and ringing, lightheaded, palpitations and muscle twitches. Although I cant diagnose I can reassure you that I have felt everything you are experiencing now and more and I am still here and apparently all clear of horrible tumors. My current issue is my temperature I have become quite obsessive over it. Anxiety is a powerful thing and I'm still learning all the ways in which it can show. I hope u feel better soon 😁

02-06-20, 06:18
Thanks for the reply panicstricken,

These symptoms do come and go as time goes by which is something that does not occur with the illness. But whenever a slight discomforting symptom appears, I get triggered into panic mode. I instantly google and then everything starts coming together to form this one illness. It’s just a bunch of wasted time and energy for no reason at the end of the day and I get so annoyed at myself the next day after I realize that I was worrying for nothing.

The last time I had my yearly physical exam was last June and thank god they said everything was great. I need to remind myself this instead of constantly worrying. I can relate to you when it comes to being obsessive over temperature since I obsess and keep on searching online for that one sentence that will provide me with reassurance in times of panic. I am POSITIVE it’s all anxiety at the end of the day and that’s the main thing that should be tackled and I need to remind myself this.


03-06-20, 16:00
Hi matt, how are you feeling today?

I understand completely your compulsion to.google and then your frustration with yourself I do exactly the same. It's so hard to break the cycle it can be so confusing and frustrating.

Hope u have had a good day today 😁