View Full Version : Mouth ulcer

01-06-20, 12:18
Hi all hope you are doing well in these uncertain times.

I’ve had a mouth ulcer for a week now on my lower lip area close to my canine tooth. It doesn’t hurt as much but it’s still there and white in colour. I don’t get them often at all and I don’t think I’ve had one last this long.

I’ve been using Corsodyl mouthwash past few days and doing salt water rinses but doesn’t seem to have helped.

I’m thinking that I can’t even go to my dentist as they are closed! Has anyone had mouth ulcers last this long?

Oh and I’m 26, never smoked or drunk alcohol.

01-06-20, 14:15
Ulcers can last up to 2 weeks in my experience. The ones on the hard part of your gum are the worst. I suffer quite regularly with them. I'm sure it'll heal soon. Probably doesn't help that it's being knocked by your toothbrush if it's close to your tooth.

02-06-20, 11:07
Thanks yeah I think it’s because I keep catching it on my tooth and food.

It’s not hurting as much now but the white ulcer thing is still there. How long does it take to go?

02-06-20, 21:19
If it lasts 3 weeks ring your dentist. I have had one on the gum below my front teeth for about 5 weeks. Dentist asked to see photo and said nowt to worry about and ulcers in this area can take a while to heal.