View Full Version : Fear of America descending into civil war

02-06-20, 11:51
Hey everyone.

Although I live in Australia, the current riots, agressive rhetoric of the president and the presence in the unrest of a (small) number of radical groups over in America is getting me worried that a full on civil war could start there, like that in Syria. I just have visions of protesters getting mowed down by live fire, a popular uprising and then military defections resulting in a full scale armed conflict.
Realistically, I know this scenario is extremely unlikely. America has had a long history of civil unrest and there have been far worse incidences throughout the 20th century, and the circumstances that brought about civil war in Syria for example were very different (America's not a highly authoritarian police state for one thing). It's just the possibility which is getting me really worked up. I chat to a lot of people from America online and so I'm concerned about their safety and dreading the situation exploding.

02-06-20, 14:18
America's not a highly authoritarian police state for one thing

It is now!

02-06-20, 16:30
Most people that I've run into seem to think that George Floyd was a victim of police brutality. Maybe this one issue will finally unite us.

I have GAD, and this unrest has not been easy to deal with at times, but I have to keep a hopeful outlook. If I get too negative, then I risk falling down into the spiral.

04-06-20, 08:49
Yes I seen protests in London very worrying that this could spiral into lots of unrest..

04-06-20, 10:06
Yes I seen protests in London very worrying that this could spiral into lots of unrest..

Demonstrate peacefully and responsibly in 'solidarity' (and ultimately with appropriate social distancing) by all means, but full-on 'riots' involving widespread pilfering, vandalism, arson, punch-ups, etc, just for the sake of it here in the UK would be totally inappropriate and a waste of time IMO, and inadvertently exacerbating people's existing fear and MH problems all the more, which would be the last thing we need right now amid a global virus pandemic.

Unfortunately, some people seem to get sucked into the so-called 'pack mentality', especially those that get riled up by misinformation, CTs and OTT stuff in general, both on social media and through real-life hearsay/word-of-mouth.

20-06-20, 20:18
It's getting worse... protesters are getting mowed down by live fire now!

20-06-20, 20:40
We'll see what happens tonight.... It's the making of the next Fort Sumpter.

Positive thoughts

20-06-20, 20:42
Wait, what's happening tonight?

20-06-20, 21:21
Wait, what's happening tonight?

1st Tweety rally since March... 10's of thousands descending on Tulsa, Oklahoma and Tulsa is a hot spot for COVID right now. They made anyone attending sign a waiver they won't sue if they get sick. You know Tweety and his staff won't be wearing masks... So 20K crammed into an arena with no protection or social distancing. Add to that the anti-Tweetys and it has the making of a local MAGA outbreak Nice eh?

Positive thoughts

20-06-20, 21:28
Why do you call him "Tweety"?

20-06-20, 21:31
Why do you call him "Tweety"?

Isn't that obvious? :whistles:


Positive thoughts

20-06-20, 21:35
Just another reason I'm glad I don't live in Oklahoma LOL

I couldn't believe the OK State Supreme Court is letting him hold the rally. It goes against all of the CDC guidelines he supposedly "supports".

Frank, I think FMP calls him "Tweety" because he's addicted to twitter....in addition to his own megalomania.

20-06-20, 21:40
You know, FMP, Noivous said he was gonna be gone for a couple of days. I wonder if he flew down there to attend the rally :scared15:

20-06-20, 21:45
What, he still supports him even now? In the span of four years, Trimp has managed to get almost the entire world against him, the only thing keeping him going is stolen money and his disillusioned supporters who don't know any better! Let him die, already! Just let him die!

20-06-20, 21:49
He has a bunch of die-hard supporters here in the US, Frankie. I don't understand it either.

20-06-20, 21:57
You know, FMP, Noivous said he was gonna be gone for a couple of days. I wonder if he flew down there to attend the rally :scared15:

Wouldn't surprise me based on his posts and replies concerning Tweety. TDS: HEAR Trump lie. BELIEVE the lie. REPEAT the lie. CHASTISE anyone who doesn't believe the lie.

Imagine if you will, a country where the president brags about sexual assault, says POWs aren't heroes, pays off a porn star, funnels taxpayer money into his businesses, defrauds charities, separates thousands of children from their parents and puts them in cages, tweets insults all day and solicits foreign interference in our elections..... And people still support him!

To back that up from the inevitable "Democrat lies" comeback and Obama and Hillary quips...

So even though it's recorded, on video etc., Tweety never said?...

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

He never said about John Mccain, “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

The image of the check written to Stormy Daniels and confirmed by Michael Cohen was fake.

His charity wasn't shut down and his children barred from anything to do with it.

Children were not separated from their parents and put in cages.

His businesses don't profit from government funds (Mar a Lago for example) and he never asked Russia or China for help with the election even though he actually said it and its on video?

Do I even have to mention his Twitter feed?

None of that happened?

Positive thoughts

20-06-20, 21:58
Well, they can catch it and die for all I care!

20-06-20, 22:03
FMP, you're preaching to the choir here.

Now, Frank, let's not ruin your karma. You don't want to become as hate-filled as Trump.

20-06-20, 22:10
Too late! Because I see now that violent resistance is the only plausible response to his evil methods!

21-06-20, 08:19
Relax, America isn't heading for civil war. It's shifting ever leftwards, or "progressive" if you prefer, but the vast majority of people over there are in no way desparate enough in a materialistic sense to ever really risk anything big. Some people will be keyboard warriors, others may even flip out fully and go on a solo shooting escapade, but there will be no "Yugoslavia times a 1,000" scenario in America.

We are living in the times of "the last men" as Nietzsche put it, Francis Fukuyama's "End of History". No more grand narratives to kill or be killed for. Just individualism, consumerism, rootlessness and atomistic societies.

21-06-20, 10:53
1st Tweety rally since March... 10's of thousands descending on Tulsa, Oklahoma and Tulsa is a hot spot for COVID right now. They made anyone attending sign a waiver they won't sue if they get sick. You know Tweety and his staff won't be wearing masks... So 20K crammed into an arena with no protection or social distancing. Add to that the anti-Tweetys and it has the making of a local MAGA outbreak Nice eh?

Positive thoughts

What happened to all the 100 and 1000’s that were supposed tot be there? :roflmao:
What a joke.I believe he either has onset dementia or totally demented.
The rambling BS my gawd I laughed when he spoke about the walkway and said the media didn’t show him running,I watched that and he sure wasn’t running and he said how handsome he looked :roflmao:
The bloke is a raving lunatic.Me.Me.Me.
No masks and no social distancing?coughing and sneezing over each other,I just don’t get it,plus another sacking will there be anyone left?
There is no way he shut down the country in January a load of bullshit along with all his other lies.
Crikey I just feel for the people who follow the Demigod.

21-06-20, 13:09
What happened to all the 100 and 1000’s that were supposed tot be there? :roflmao:
What a joke.I believe he either has onset dementia or totally demented.
The rambling BS my gawd I laughed when he spoke about the walkway and said the media didn’t show him running,I watched that and he sure wasn’t running and he said how handsome he looked :roflmao:
The bloke is a raving lunatic.Me.Me.Me.
No masks and no social distancing?coughing and sneezing over each other,I just don’t get it,plus another sacking will there be anyone left?
There is no way he shut down the country in January a load of bullshit along with all his other lies.
Crikey I just feel for the people who follow the Demigod.

I admit I was totally wrong and actually I couldn't be more pleased with the reality. I expected a bonfire and in reality it was a candle. It appears the youth of America played a huge prank and ordered tickets en mass to mess with him from what I'm reading. The silent majority stayed silent and at home ;)

Positive thoughts

21-06-20, 16:44
So the silent majority are giving up? That's a surprise!

21-06-20, 16:53
So the silent majority are giving up? That's a surprise!

What do you ultimately fear?

22-06-20, 12:21
Our total destruction.

22-06-20, 17:23
Frank, what are you doing to treat your anxieties?

22-06-20, 22:21
Frank, what are you doing to treat your anxieties?

Hiding from them.

22-06-20, 22:53
Hiding from them.

They obviously know where you live and hang around quite often from what you post about :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-06-20, 22:57
Hiding from them.

How is posting on threads like this "hiding from them?" It looks to me like you're feeding them.

22-06-20, 23:49
That's the problem - just when I think I've gotten over one problem, another takes its place! And then, I dunno, I forget everything I was taught and have to be told again!

23-06-20, 00:18
What exactly were you "taught"? Did you ever attend professional therapy?

23-06-20, 13:31
Yes, I did. At least I think I did. I learned about catastrophizing, but I haven't been able to grasp it.

23-06-20, 13:32
Aw, Frank, unhelpful I know but I'd hug you if I could. This stuff's difficult.

23-06-20, 14:17
Yes, I did. At least I think I did. I learned about catastrophizing, but I haven't been able to grasp it.

I feel for you, Frank and understand these difficulties. Did you explain to your therapist at the time that you were unclear about catastrophising and how to limit its impact on you?

23-06-20, 15:05
Actually, no, I don't think I did.

23-06-20, 17:52
It probably didn't occur to you to say anything? My son is the same as regards asking for clarification etc..It's just assumed that you understand when in fact you need a bit of extra explanation which could make all the difference.

23-06-20, 19:17
No, you're right, it never occurred to me.