View Full Version : Really scared I have a brain tumor..

02-06-20, 19:42
For the past couple weeks I’ve noticed pain off and on on the left side of my head. The past few days the pain has just gotten worse and I’m nauseous all the time and get blurry vision off and on. I’m more particularly worried it’s the worst kind glioblastoma which kills in like 12 months :(. I had a ct scan on February 28 but I’m scared I’ve developed it between them and now. I’m already at increased risk because I’ve had numerous ct scans of my head the past couple years. I’m only 30 but I’ve seen a lot of stories of young people getting glioblastoma.

02-06-20, 19:43
Also been noticing it hard to focus my eyes god this is really probably it...

02-06-20, 19:50
What really just makes this very likely to be brain cancer is the fact it’s mostly just the left side of my head that hurts and it’s just not going away..

02-06-20, 20:10
You guys think I should go to the er and get a scan to see if it’s cancer?

02-06-20, 20:27
I wish I could take back all the scans I’ve gotten over the years... From my research they definitely increase your chances of getting cancer and I’ve had enough to put cancer in every organ probably..

02-06-20, 20:51
Well guess I’m off to get a ct scan I’m almost positive it’s cancer and I’m distraught.

02-06-20, 21:16
You sure it isnt a migraine?

02-06-20, 21:20

Can't really offer any reassurance to you. I can see you have replied to your own thread a lot. My guess you are now in a state of panic.

Just as I am right now. After being so stupid and googling this evening.

Just want you to know your not alone and I am here if you would like to chat.

Reading through your post, I would have thought by you having a CT scan recently that would have picked up a tumour before it had progressed to cause what you are experiencing now.

02-06-20, 21:37
You sure it isnt a migraine?

I don’t think so I don’t have a history of them at all. This headache kinda came out of nowhere a couple weeks ago and just has gotten worse..

02-06-20, 21:45
Hey... look at the bright side. You don't have Corona and have recovered from colon cancer :)

Positive thoughts

02-06-20, 22:06
Hey... look at the bright side. You don't have Corona and have recovered from colon cancer :)

Positive thoughts

Yeah that’s true lol

02-06-20, 22:09
I had a phone visit with my doctor and asked if he thought it could be brain cancer and he told me point blank it’s not brain cancer and that brain cancer more than 4 months to form and I had that ct scan 3 months ago so that’s reassuring. Just leaves me with well what’s causing these new headaches then. It’s just really worrying me because glioblastoma came form fast and are very aggressive.

02-06-20, 23:36
I had a phone visit with my doctor and asked if he thought it could be brain cancer and he told me point blank it’s not brain cancer and that brain cancer more than 4 months to form and I had that ct scan 3 months ago so that’s reassuring.


Positive thoughts

03-06-20, 00:32

Positive thoughts

Yeah well not much else cause one sided headaches for weeks straight and if I wasn’t a good person if I turned out to have a tumor I could sue which I would never do but still. Its
gotta be something like a tumor.

03-06-20, 00:45
I have had an onesided headache for most nights for the past few weeks, cause... Pollen and hayfever...

03-06-20, 01:24
Yeah well not much else cause one sided headaches for weeks straight and if I wasn’t a good person if I turned out to have a tumor I could sue which I would never do but still. Its
gotta be something like a tumor.

You're still alive after all these years of having deadly tumours and maladies so you must be doing something right? :whistles:

03-06-20, 08:30
Yes you're a walking miracle, Hypo. You should write a book about your experiences with terminal illnesses.

03-06-20, 13:43
Just don’t know what else could cause the one sided headaches, metallic taste in my mouth, nausea, no energy, blurry vision that’s gotta be what’s wrong..

03-06-20, 13:47
Serious question, Hypo - have any of your fears ever been justified before?

03-06-20, 13:48
And I have issues speaking sometimes I should of just listened to my own judgement yesterday and went and got a scan but I wanted to trust my doctor.

03-06-20, 13:49
Serious question, Hypo - have any of your fears ever been justified before?

Not really till now.

03-06-20, 13:53
Ergo, the odds of this one being the exception? Incredibly unlikely. I know you think it's definitely the worst this time, but you have to admit you've been equally convinced every other time, right?

03-06-20, 13:53
Just don’t know what else could cause the one sided headaches, metallic taste in my mouth, nausea, no energy, blurry vision that’s gotta be what’s wrong..

So why are you writing this on an anxiety forum? What's the point? Why do we need to know and what sort of responses are you hoping/looking for?

03-06-20, 14:22
So why are you writing this on an anxiety forum? What's the point? Why do we need to know and what sort of responses are you hoping/looking for?

Because I’m worried and anxious about what’s wrong with me..

03-06-20, 14:24
Ergo, the odds of this one being the exception? Incredibly unlikely. I know you think it's definitely the worst this time, but you have to admit you've been equally convinced every other time, right?

I don’t know if I’ve ever been equally this convinced.. What if I had cancer that’s spread to my brain that would be more likely than a primary brain tumor.

03-06-20, 14:27
Okay, I really shouldn't have responded to this thread, but here's the deal:

There's no point in posting on an anxiety forum when you're not ready to tackle the anxiety. End of.

I'd also like to add that taking up the time of medical professionals while there's a pandemic on is irresponsible, selfish and risks both your health and theirs.

03-06-20, 15:15
Okay, I really shouldn't have responded to this thread, but here's the deal:

There's no point in posting on an anxiety forum when you're not ready to tackle the anxiety. End of.

I'd also like to add that taking up the time of medical professionals while there's a pandemic on is irresponsible, selfish and risks both your health and theirs.

Hows it selfish if I have a emergency going on? Everyone acts like covid is the only thing going on right now. If I have cancer in my brain that is an emergency.

03-06-20, 15:18
No, a brain tumour isn't an emergency, not in the medical sense. It's not something that will become more serious over the course of a few days.

03-06-20, 15:39
No, a brain tumour isn't an emergency, not in the medical sense. It's not something that will become more serious over the course of a few days.

Well the sooner I find out it’s cancer the better. I’d rather know now than a week or two from now and it be really advanced you know? If they see it on a scan in the er they will either admit me or send me to neurosurgeon ASAP.

03-06-20, 15:43
Whatever. Won't happen. It wasn't so bad when you were only wasting your own money, but now you're endangering other people with your silly games.

Are you not ashamed of yourself?

03-06-20, 16:01
Well the sooner I find out it's cancer the better.

Wow..... Just wow!!

Many many people would love to be in your position, to be told that they don't have cancer. by their doctor, many people who are going through a really rubbish time of it, they are really suffering, I know of a few.... but you, you want to be told you have cancer???

It is fine, you can carry on believing in yourself and Dr Google who have absolutely no medical training and completely ignore the Drs who have 10 years of training each..... good luck with that. You will be waiting an awfully long time for a Dr to tell you you have cancer when you don't have cancer.

03-06-20, 17:41
Wow Hypo! back again I see. You are so selfish it isn't even funny. This is not an emergency, nor have the 100's of other cancers you have had. A heart attack or a broken bone is an emergency. So glad, you think it is okay to waste time and emergency resources on something silly.

03-06-20, 18:04
Let me try and spell this out clearly for you : it is not a brain tumour. See was that difficult?

I watched my father suffer with a brain tumour, eventually passing away after 2 years of fighting a losing battle from day 1. Your "symptoms", and I use the word loosely, are non existent and not even comparable to 1% of what I have seen. Frankly, it's an insult to even suggest you have one

03-06-20, 20:34
This is just posting emotive words for a reaction though..which Hypo has got.

03-06-20, 23:47
Let me try and spell this out clearly for you : it is not a brain tumour. See was that difficult?

I watched my father suffer with a brain tumour, eventually passing away after 2 years of fighting a losing battle from day 1. Your "symptoms", and I use the word loosely, are non existent and not even comparable to 1% of what I have seen. Frankly, it's an insult to even suggest you have one

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad having this horrible
disease. I’m not trying to insult you or anyone else with this disease.. I literally can not
find any other reason to these symptoms one sided headache, nausea, confusion, issues speaking and thinking clearly, few dizzy and off balance and no appetite.

04-06-20, 00:05
You know Hypo... there are other members who are as self-absorbed and selfish as you're behaving and many, especially during these trying times, have had enough. Like those other members, its all about you. You don't offer support or even have an inkling of helping yourself. At this point, perhaps its time to take a look at your post history and all the illnesses you were sure you had, then take a good look in the mirror and take stock of just how fortunate you actually are.

Positive thoughts

04-06-20, 01:25
You know Hypo... there are other members who are as self-absorbed and selfish as you're behaving and many, especially during these trying times, have had enough. Like those other members, its all about you. You don't offer support or even have an inkling of helping yourself. At this point, perhaps its time to take a look at your post history and all the illnesses you were sure you had, then take a good look in the mirror and take stock of just how fortunate you actually are.

Positive thoughts

Trust me I know how fortunate I have been no doubt. I’m very blessed none of my other fears have come true. This though this is really different I’ve had a bunch of scans of my head that put me at increased risk for brain cancer unfortunately.. and the symptoms are just getting worse.

04-06-20, 01:46
The pain is almost constant and mostly on one small part of my head like I can touch the spot with a finger that’s how big the spot is

04-06-20, 02:04
Could the ct scan I had 3 months ago been done too early? Like if the tumor was to small to detect?

04-06-20, 03:20
Yes, tumours can be too small to detect. But all the symptoms you describe, I have as well and have been told they are due to migraine. It lasted 6 months for me, and I still have lingering symptoms now.

04-06-20, 03:28
Yes, tumours can be too small to detect. But all the symptoms you describe, I have as well and have been told they are due to migraine. It lasted 6 months for me, and I still have lingering symptoms now.

So it’s possible if it’s a tumor then it’s probably large enough to detect now that my heads hurting all the time now?

04-06-20, 04:08
It would have been large enough 3 months ago when you had a scan if it was a tumour causing all the symptoms you describe. As I said before, I have the exact same symptoms and it was migraine related, made worse by anxiety.

When I had a really small tumour (not related to this), it was 1.2cm, and it was detected on a CT scan. So if you had a tumour, producing those symptoms, it would definitely be seen.

04-06-20, 04:14
It would have been large enough 3 months ago when you had a scan if it was a tumour causing all the symptoms you describe. As I said before, I have the exact same symptoms and it was migraine related, made worse by anxiety.

When I had a really small tumour (not related to this), it was 1.2cm, and it was detected on a CT scan. So if you had a tumour, producing those symptoms, it would definitely be seen.

That’s pretty assuring I sure hope it’s just migraine related. 3 months ago I wasn’t having all these symptoms is what worried me. Did they remove the tumor for you?

04-06-20, 04:17
That’s pretty assuring I sure hope it’s just migraine related. 3 months ago I wasn’t having all these symptoms is what worried me. Did they remove the tumor for you?

Yes, it's all gone now. They say I am cured as it was caught very early. This was a year ago today.

But yeah, migraine along with anxiety can cause all the symptoms you have. It does feel like a brain tumour, or something really wrong, but it isn't. My symptoms started decreasing when my anxiety did, as stress can be a huge trigger of migraine and keep these symptoms going.

04-06-20, 04:21
Yes, it's all gone now. They say I am cured as it was caught very early. This was a year ago today.

But yeah, migraine along with anxiety can cause all the symptoms you have. It does feel like a brain tumour, or something really wrong, but it isn't. My symptoms started decreasing when my anxiety did, as stress can be a huge trigger of migraine and keep these symptoms going.

Thats great to hear glad they caught it early. So even though these symptoms weren’t really bad 3 months ago the scan would of picked it up?

04-06-20, 04:23
Thats great to hear glad they caught it early. So even though these symptoms weren’t really bad 3 months ago the scan would of picked it up?

Yes, definitely

04-06-20, 04:25
Yes, definitely

Sure hope so.. Thank you for the advice.

04-06-20, 04:29
I read that brain tumors aren’t usually diagnosed until symptoms appear so who knows.. Thank you

04-06-20, 08:31
You know that you have HA...

Oh I know I have HA no doubt about it. It definitely has made me realize a lot and how ungrateful I’ve been..

No" but this time it's different " ....