View Full Version : Eye cancer fear.

04-05-20, 19:07
Hi all. I am 26 and a Mum to three children. Currently going through a stressful time at the moment. Having just moved house 1 month ago, the current situation and coping with my disabled daughters behaviours.

OK so about 2 weeks ago now I don't some stupid. I was cleaning my kitchen cupboards and some of the mist from the cleaning product went into my eyes. I went and flushed my eyes. This set off a state of panic, I couldn't settle, I was physically sick and couldn't stop shaking. Anyhow I managed to calm myself and went to sleep. I was fine the following morning but obsessing over my eyes.

November 19 I last had an eye exam, I was told I had really dry eyes, due to blepharitis. But everything else was fine. Told to use some dry eye drops and went on my way.

I've had floaters since 2013 with flashing and I had them checked out several times at the hospital and each time I was told I was fine. It was put down to migraines.

Thursday night I was really tired and my eyes did seem very irritated. I did have some flashes from my left eye when I blinked went straight to bed before I started to panic. Fine tbr following morning just more super aware of my vision.

Ever since I am totally obsessing over my eyes. I don't know if I've got new floaters or if they are the same as I've always had just got used to having them I've barely noticed them all these years. I keep Seeing flashes but one day in can I am obsessing over right eye then the next day it's my left. I am having headache that are very short, I get pressure around my eyes again this changes from eye to eye. I can't help but worry that me getting cleaning product (must have been very little) in my eyes I have made myself start going blind.

I can't concentrate on anything else, forever Googleing hiding away from everyone in the house.

Had anybody went through something similar and can settle my mind.

Yesterday I was so close to going to the hospital to get my eyes checked but due to the current situation at the moment I feel so selfish putting more pressure on the NHS.

04-05-20, 21:12
Anybody :(

04-05-20, 21:21
I wish I could help. It sounds pretty normal really, and panic related.

I think whatever your anxiety is focusing on will be affected.

Can you find a way to reduce your worry?

04-05-20, 21:44
It sounds like anxiety to me.

A few years ago I went through a panic phase about my eyes - my floaters got worse, I was seeing colours that weren't there and I had a dark spot in my left eye vision. I was convinced there was something serious wrong, like a detached retina. This went on for a few months for me.
Had an eye test and everything was fine.

Eventually my doctor at that time, who was really good with me, convinced me there was nothing wrong with my eyes. Once I finally believed her I stopped taking as much notice of my symptoms and after that they slowly started to improve.

I still get them from time to time now but it doesn't bother me.

Try to relax and not concentrate on it as much. I know this is hard but it's what eventually worked for me. Anxiety effects your eyes, and I know that from experience....

05-05-20, 15:43
Thank you for replying to me.

I am trying to hard. I've tried to catch up on some house cleaning today to take me mind off my eyes. I'm. Finding now that I'm on my own with my children (partner goes to work at 3pm)um starting to pay more attention to me eyes.

05-05-20, 15:51
It sounds like anxiety to me.

A few years ago I went through a panic phase about my eyes - my floaters got worse, I was seeing colours that weren't there and I had a dark spot in my left eye vision. I was convinced there was something serious wrong, like a detached retina. This went on for a few months for me.
Had an eye test and everything was fine.

Eventually my doctor at that time, who was really good with me, convinced me there was nothing wrong with my eyes. Once I finally believed her I stopped taking as much notice of my symptoms and after that they slowly started to improve.

I still get them from time to time now but it doesn't bother me.

Try to relax and not concentrate on it as much. I know this is hard but it's what eventually worked for me. Anxiety effects your eyes, and I know that from experience....

Thank you for replying to me.

I have tried to keep myself busy today catching up on cleaning in the house. Not long been cleaning my sons room which is all white, as you will be able to remeber we see things more in light places. I'm not sure its just floaters I could see at the side of my vison on my left eye, but again it's like I'm having to look for it.

Starting to worry again. I'm finding that when my partner goes off to work in the afternoons I worry more being on my own with my children.

It's wired as when I moved into my old house back in 2013 that's when I started with my eye anxiety and afyer lots of hospital visits and reassurances I finally let it go and went into other worried over the years. Now I've moved again afyer buying my first home I've started this eye anxiety again, oh and it was the same time of the year!

It's like my mind has fixated associating a house move with an eye anxiety!

06-05-20, 22:47
Thank you for replying to me.

I have tried to keep myself busy today catching up on cleaning in the house. Not long been cleaning my sons room which is all white, as you will be able to remeber we see things more in light places. I'm not sure its just floaters I could see at the side of my vison on my left eye, but again it's like I'm having to look for it.

Starting to worry again. I'm finding that when my partner goes off to work in the afternoons I worry more being on my own with my children.

It's wired as when I moved into my old house back in 2013 that's when I started with my eye anxiety and afyer lots of hospital visits and reassurances I finally let it go and went into other worried over the years. Now I've moved again afyer buying my first home I've started this eye anxiety again, oh and it was the same time of the year!

It's like my mind has fixated associating a house move with an eye anxiety!

I would say anxiety as well. I have the same issues and was just at the retina specialist Last week due to anxiety triggered flashing and spots and distortion. He checked my eyes and said they were very healthy. I know we aren’t supposed to, but if you are truly worried, just book an appointment and get a retina check. It might put an end to this.

07-05-20, 18:57
I would say anxiety as well. I have the same issues and was just at the retina specialist Last week due to anxiety triggered flashing and spots and distortion. He checked my eyes and said they were very healthy. I know we aren’t supposed to, but if you are truly worried, just book an appointment and get a retina check. It might put an end to this.

Thank you. I have finally give in and managed to get an appointment on Saturday. I spoken with an optician this afternoon and went through a series of questions. She thinks my vitreous has detached or been pulling and tugging, I can't think now! She said if my symptoms worsen before Saturday to go straight to my nearest eye hospital.

I feel a bit relieved but st the same time very scared at what she may find on Saturday.

Thank you for taking time to reply to me.

07-05-20, 20:46
At least you have an appointment on Saturday - you're nearly there. And I know you'll be very anxious going in there but at least you'll get answers, and I've a feeling you'll get the ones you want to hear as well ;)

Don't worry that she said to you to go straight to the nearest eye hospital if it worsens - that's just a standard line they will say. But to a person with HA, what they hear is "I think it might get worse before Saturday, so I'll tell you what to do when it happens". It's amazing how we hear everything so differently!!

Eyes can do funny things. I've had floaters, dark spots in vision, flashes, seeing stars etc. Had my eyes checked out and nothing wrong with them. I find in the bright weather my floaters get really bad. If it's a sunny day all I might see is floaters but i'll just ignore it.

I wish I could offer you more comfort because I know how debilitating this HA is.

Wishing you all the best for Saturday, and let us know how you get on xx

08-05-20, 19:31
At least you have an appointment on Saturday - you're nearly there. And I know you'll be very anxious going in there but at least you'll get answers, and I've a feeling you'll get the ones you want to hear as well ;)

Don't worry that she said to you to go straight to the nearest eye hospital if it worsens - that's just a standard line they will say. But to a person with HA, what they hear is "I think it might get worse before Saturday, so I'll tell you what to do when it happens". It's amazing how we hear everything so differently!!

Eyes can do funny things. I've had floaters, dark spots in vision, flashes, seeing stars etc. Had my eyes checked out and nothing wrong with them. I find in the bright weather my floaters get really bad. If it's a sunny day all I might see is floaters but i'll just ignore it.

I wish I could offer you more comfort because I know how debilitating this HA is.

Wishing you all the best for Saturday, and let us know how you get on xx

I Havnt been as bad today, tried ignoring things more and keeping busy. Although I have been getting this sharp pain from my lefy eye, not sure if it's my eyelid or actual eye, it's quite intermittent. As I say with my dry eyes could it be this?

I must have some allergies as 6 weeks ago I had a really bad cold. Still blowing my nose through out the day, sneezing and feeling of my throat being sore and thesr headaches.

In the morning will be a different story, I will be in panic mode before I go.

Thank you for talking to me. It's nice to speak to someone who understands what HA is like. My partner just thinks I am crazy I am sure!

I lost my Mum to breast cancer when I was just 13, 10 years later my father took a heroin overdose and all my grandparents have passed away. So I am pretty much on my own with my 3 children. I know my Mum would be telling me I'm a hypochondriac haha!

I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
Hope your feeling OK xx

19-05-20, 16:28
Hi all.

I am back again with worrying about my eyes. This is after being checked over at the opticians almost 2 weeks ago and giving the all clear - retnias looked fine, told to go straight to my nearest eye hospital if I get lots of sudden floaters and flashes that don't stop. apart from my vitreous starting to detach causing my flashes of light and floaters.

Woken up this morning and Googled... I know!! Done nothing but Google most of the day and worrying myself sick again.

If I had my eyes checked almost 2 weeks ago and my eye dilated, would macular degeneration have been ruled out?

I ask as a couple of times now at night when I have laid in bed with my younger daughter, landing light still being on so a bit of light coming into the bedroom, closing my eyes for a little then getting up I have noticed black circles that move across my vision. I didn't think nothing of it until this morning when I googled and frightend myself stupid with macular degeneration.

If I remeber I've had something similar a good few years ago and again never thought anything of it.

It's all I am thinking about. Please help:(

19-05-20, 17:44
Hello, I’ve not really got any advice just wanted to let you know your not alone. I posted a couple of days ago with flashes in the corner of my eye and no one replied and it made me feel so anxious. It’s good you’ve been checked at the opticians and I wish you the best of luck. Please feel free to pm me if you need someone to chat with

19-05-20, 17:46
Sorry just wanted to ask did your optician take a photo of the back of your eyes? If so I would have thought they would have been able to see if macular degeneration was present

19-05-20, 18:05
Thank you for relying to me.

I didn't have photos taken on this visit as it was an emergency appointment and with all the Covid going on. It was just a dilated eye exam, looking right to thr back of my eye and a check of my vision which is still as clear as it has ever been.

Prior to this I did have an eye exam before in August 2019, due to me getting blurry vision on and off. I was at this point diagnoses with Blepharitis which was causing my symptoms. I did have pictures taken at this time and told my eyes were healthy.

How are your flashes now? I still get them also.

19-05-20, 18:14
I get those kind of things often. I had my eyes fully tested over a year ago and was advised it was normal wear and tear.

I know it’s not very helpful, but I think maybe you are hyper focused on your eyes and you’re noticing every little change, whilst notmally you might ignore it.

19-05-20, 18:48
With dilating your pupils they can see so much and there’s no way you’d have been sent away if they thought there was something wrong. I know that’s easy for me to say but at the end of the day they still have a job to do and they would do it properly.
My flashes come and go there’s no rhyme or reason to them. I seem to notice them more in the evening when the light is dimmer, not sure if that’s a good sign or not.
I did check up on the nhs website and they say everyone gets flashes/floaters at sometime and as long as your vision isn’t effected and things don’t get worse they should go away on their own.
I don’t know about you but the way I’m feeling I’m super aware of every little thing my eyes are doing at the moment, just waiting for them to get worse. That’s the anxiety, I have a feeling if we can get over that we might be half way to all these symptoms stopping.

Let me know how you get on

19-05-20, 21:01
I get those kind of things often. I had my eyes fully tested over a year ago and was advised it was normal wear and tear.

I know it’s not very helpful, but I think maybe you are hyper focused on your eyes and you’re noticing every little change, whilst notmally you might ignore it.
Thank you for replying to me.

Do you get these black circular things in your vision?

I am under a lot of stress at the moment, weather that contributes to this I'm not sure. I have not long moved house. Also my daughter is disabled and is quite difficult at the moment due to the current situation - being out of routine and things.

I do have migraines and I have been getting a lot headaches daily, again I don't know if this is related.

You are definitely right - I am definitely hyper focused on absolutely every change in my vision. I wish I would just let this go.

19-05-20, 21:09
[QUOTE=Bakebeansrule;1949687]With dilating your pupils they can see so much and there’s no way you’d have been sent away if they thought there was something wrong. I know that’s easy for me to say but at the end of the day they still have a job to do and they would do it properly.
My flashes come and go there’s no rhyme or reason to them. I seem to notice them more in the evening when the light is dimmer, not sure if that’s a good sign or not.
I did check up on the nhs website and they say everyone gets flashes/floaters at sometime and as long as your vision isn’t effected and things don’t get worse they should go away on their own.
I don’t know about you but the way I’m feeling I’m super aware of every little thing my eyes are doing at the moment, just waiting for them to get worse. That’s the anxiety, I have a feeling if we can get over that we might be half way to all these symptoms stopping.

I notice my flashes more at night too.

I keep telling myself surely they wouldn't have let me leave with something like this. But having health anxiety I also have in my mind what if they didn't check properly ect ect!!

I'm absolutely aware of everything to do with my vision, also constantly checking how my eyes looks in the mirror!

My son had a little accident tonight. He fell off he's trampoline and banged head head. Taken him to get checked as it felt like he had a dent in he's little head. He's absolutely fine now by the way. But in this time I totally did not think about my eyes I didn't even notice my floaters.

Again, thank you for replying to me. It does help to know your not alone.

19-05-20, 21:09
My grandad had macular degeneration, the dry form. Im not sure how old you are, fairly young I assume? From learning about his condition, its far, far more common in older people. My grandad was in his late 70s when he developed it, although he never ever complained about anything, so maybe earlier.

Anyway, I dont think your symptoms sound similar at all either. His main symptoms were a ‘blind’ or ‘dark’ spot in the middle of his vision, and blurriness. These got worse as the years went on. Sounds nothing like what youre describing so try not to worry about it!

I get floaters and flashes and sometimes visual migraines.

19-05-20, 21:29
I’m glad your son is ok, kids keep us on our toes don’t they?!

I promise you that if the optician thought there was anything for you to worry about you would have been told. You know yourself that’s your anxiety making you second guess what you’ve been told.

I just hope that the opticians will re open in the next couple of weeks and I’ll try and get an appointment then. You’ve really helped me tonight with what you’ve been told about the flashing, that if it doesn’t stop I need to get it seen ASAP. Thank you

20-05-20, 01:25
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


20-05-20, 09:20
I have pvd in both eyes. First one was 18 months ago and I was petrified. Was like a money spider in my peripheral vision. Went to optician and was diagnosed with pvd, no retinal detachment. Had scans to check.

Monday morning, this week, lots of long black lines and blurriness with right eye. I phoned my optician who said I needed to be seen within 24 hours and asked me to go and see her in a couple hours. So I went, mask, gloves, etc, as did she. Had drops put in right eye, sat in car for 15 minutes then went back in. Pvd diagnosed again, worse than left eye. She could see a large clump of vitreous gel blurring my vision.

No treatment, but she contacted the Eye Triage team at the hospital, and they're going to ring me on Monday.

I read, dressmake, cross stitch, etc, and its very annoying. It's like looking through a dirty, cobwebby net curtain at the moment.

There are some good articles about it online, the best one on the RNIB website.

Please don't worry too much about it, after a while you learn to live with it and it's not too bad, just irritating at times.

Do you wear glasses or are you short sighted?


20-05-20, 09:43

24-05-20, 14:44
I have pvd in both eyes. First one was 18 months ago and I was petrified. Was like a money spider in my peripheral vision. Went to optician and was diagnosed with pvd, no retinal detachment. Had scans to check.

Monday morning, this week, lots of long black lines and blurriness with right eye. I phoned my optician who said I needed to be seen within 24 hours and asked me to go and see her in a couple hours. So I went, mask, gloves, etc, as did she. Had drops put in right eye, sat in car for 15 minutes then went back in. Pvd diagnosed again, worse than left eye. She could see a large clump of vitreous gel blurring my vision.

No treatment, but she contacted the Eye Triage team at the hospital, and they're going to ring me on Monday.

I read, dressmake, cross stitch, etc, and its very annoying. It's like looking through a dirty, cobwebby net curtain at the moment.

There are some good articles about it online, the best one on the RNIB website.

Please don't worry too much about it, after a while you learn to live with it and it's not too bad, just irritating at times.

Do you wear glasses or are you short sighted?

Thank you Dee for replying to me.

I don't wear glasses and as far as I know I am not short sighted or long sighted.

I've read lots about PVD back in 2013 when my fear started back then. As I say I've been OK for years until just recently xx

24-05-20, 14:46
I’m glad your son is ok, kids keep us on our toes don’t they?!

I promise you that if the optician thought there was anything for you to worry about you would have been told. You know yourself that’s your anxiety making you second guess what you’ve been told.

I just hope that the opticians will re open in the next couple of weeks and I’ll try and get an appointment then. You’ve really helped me tonight with what you’ve been told about the flashing, that if it doesn’t stop I need to get it seen ASAP. Thank you

How are you doing now?

24-05-20, 14:47
Quite a bad day again today.

Had a dream about this dark spot coming into my vision. Now been thinking all day its a sign :(

Feeling absolutely exhausted worrying all the time.

24-05-20, 16:33
How are you doing now?

Hello, I managed to get an emergency optician appointment in the week. He was great and did a really detailed check. He said the gel inside my right eye is coming away from the retina and that is what’s causing the flashing. He took photos and scans and said he’s 90% sure things will be ok but to go straight to a&e if I see lots of flashing or lots of floaters. He also found a tiny bleed at the back of the eye so is contacting the hospital to see if they want to laser it as there’s a history of retinal detachment in the family. I’m doing ok in myself just getting on with it, having the odd moment of panic but it’s ok. How are you?

27-05-20, 20:20
Hi all.
Me again! Sorry.

Just wondered if anybody else had had this before and have any idea what this could be.

This evening I was parked outside my partners Mums drive. Her drive is black and as I was looking on her drive at the wheelie bin I could see blobs of blue. It looked like something was reflecting down however I couldn't see anything to be causing this, it went away and come again. It was only when I looked at the side l.

Has anybody had this before?

I've now got a bit of a dull headache only feels like it's at the side of my head, my neck hurts a little when I move it and my ear also feels like it's hurting. Feel a hit nauseaous but don't know if it's before I'm getting myself worried.

Really don't want to start googling. I've been pretty settled these past few days and trying to ignore everything with my vision.

27-05-20, 22:45
I have had blue flashes from the left of my vision (only in one eye), very occasionally , a few times in the month - somebody once described to me how and why this can happen, something to do with the gel substance in the eye pulling on the retina. Don't hold me to that description though. I've had it for many years, and it worried me when it started, but it is literally a flash or two when I look to the side, and then goes. So, the NHS tells us that most flashes and floaters are usually harmless, but of course if you notice anything that concerns you with your vision then don't hesitate to pop along to an opthamologist. Do you have migraine at all ? Just wondering, as the symptoms you describe could be a minor migraine.

28-05-20, 10:20
I have had blue flashes from the left of my vision (only in one eye), very occasionally , a few times in the month - somebody once described to me how and why this can happen, something to do with the gel substance in the eye pulling on the retina. Don't hold me to that description though. I've had it for many years, and it worried me when it started, but it is literally a flash or two when I look to the side, and then goes. So, the NHS tells us that most flashes and floaters are usually harmless, but of course if you notice anything that concerns you with your vision then don't hesitate to pop along to an opthamologist. Do you have migraine at all ? Just wondering, as the symptoms you describe could be a minor migraine.

I went to the opticians 3 weeks ago with flashing from my left eye and what I thought was more floaters. I was talk about the vitreous coming away from my retina.

This yesterday seemed to be different to them flashes.

I do belive u suffer migraines yes. I am under quite a lot of stress at the moment which I think is triggering my heth anxiety.

Woke up this morning and feel so nauseous with loose stool (sorry for too much information) and I feel so tired.

Not sure if I've over indulged or a bit of food poisoning. I had Fish and Chips last night, I don't normally have deep fried foods.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.

28-05-20, 11:58
It’s just the light.
You’ve been seen, your eyes are ok. Your anxiety is not x

28-05-20, 16:06
Ya know, sometimes there are just 'optical illusions' that happen, catching light in a certain way, having tight eye muscles, reflections, going from light to dark - all sorts of things - sometimes things just happen, for no reason at all.

02-06-20, 20:48
Hi all.

So I have been to the opticians almost 4 weeks ago with increased eye floaters and flashes of light. I was reassured that everything was fine with my eyes and I they suspected a vitreous detachment.

Back in October 2019 I had another eye test and was told I had Blepharitis which was causing dry eyes. This is what was causing my symptoms - blurriness coming in my vision.

December 2019 I noticed a little lump on my actual eyeball, seems to be yellowish in colour but can look pinkish sometimes. Obviously I googled this and it looks very much like pinguecula.

The optician never mentioned anything about this on my last visit 4 weeks ago. This has been playing on my mind the last few days. As my eyes have been dry, itchy and sore, I find myself looking in the mirror at it a lot.

Vision is still really good.

However, this evening I have Googled, don't ask why... Eye cancer and the images look just what I have on my eyeball.

My question, would the optician have picked up on this on my last visit or do I need to act fast.

Please help, I don't know why I've done this to myself, I feel sick with worry.

02-06-20, 21:14
Why am I so fixated on my eyes at the moment.

Only last week I was fearing I had macular degeneration!

So tired of feeling like this. I just want to enjoy life.

02-06-20, 21:29
I don’t know, but every time I see a post about eyes I know it’s from you & it makes me feel upset for you. I hope that doesn’t come across as patronising.

Other than the obvious (covid/lockdown) is there anything that is bothering you at the moment? Anxiety seems to find an outlet. When you stop worrying about one thing it finds another. You think you’re ok because you’re over the first stupid worry and then bam! There’s another.

Truth is, you need to work on reducing anxiety every day. Even on the good days when you feel fine, or a little silly for the last panic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-06-20, 08:34
I don’t know, but every time I see a post about eyes I know it’s from you & it makes me feel upset for you. I hope that doesn’t come across as patronising.

Other than the obvious (covid/lockdown) is there anything that is bothering you at the moment? Anxiety seems to find an outlet. When you stop worrying about one thing it finds another. You think you’re ok because you’re over the first stupid worry and then bam! There’s another.

Truth is, you need to work on reducing anxiety every day. Even on the good days when you feel fine, or a little silly for the last panic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am sorry, I know I seem to be diagnosing myself with everything lately.

Stress wise, just moving home and trying to get things done. Also my disabled daughter who has been quite challenging due to everything at the moment.

How can i work on reducing my anxiety everyday?

It's very hard when you can see something to obsess over. The visual disturbances I did try and learn to ignore them.

This lump on my eyeball doesn't seem to have changed in size from when I first noticed it.

03-06-20, 10:38
I'm really sorry you're burdened with this worry. I've had eye issues the past few weeks and it's really driven my health anxiety back through the roof. It sounds like you have a lot of stress, I do too. I've been using the Insight Timer app. It's free and they have some good anxiety and stress reduction guided meditations. I hope that helps a bit. I would go back to the optician and ask about the spot. Otherwise you'll just keep worrying.

03-06-20, 13:35
I am sorry, I know I seem to be diagnosing myself with everything lately.

Stress wise, just moving home and trying to get things done. Also my disabled daughter who has been quite challenging due to everything at the moment.

How can i work on reducing my anxiety everyday?

It's very hard when you can see something to obsess over. The visual disturbances I did try and learn to ignore them.

This lump on my eyeball doesn't seem to have changed in size from when I first noticed it.

It definitely sounds like you have a lot of stress, and please don’t apologise. I don’t think you can reduce the stress necessarily but you can reduce the anxiety reactions and the way you deal with it.

Write lists to deal with your practical problems and come up with ideas to help you manage them. Write the same list for your hypothetical problems and apply the same logic.

Try some meditation or relaxation at least once a day x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-06-20, 14:04
Thank you.

I tried to keep myself so busy yesterday and didn't really think of my vision or my spot on my eyeball, which now I've calmed myself down it does really just look like a pinguecula. I keep telling myself I will get this looked at once things calm down.

I think today I am coming down with a migrane, had some visual disturbances. Now got some head pain and just feel tired.

I happend to Google again, because the last couple of nights I have dreamt of my dead grandmother. I Google why I keep dreaming of her, which has worried me as it said it could a warning for my health and to pay more attention to it.

I don't know why I do this to myself. X

04-06-20, 14:06
I'm really sorry you're burdened with this worry. I've had eye issues the past few weeks and it's really driven my health anxiety back through the roof. It sounds like you have a lot of stress, I do too. I've been using the Insight Timer app. It's free and they have some good anxiety and stress reduction guided meditations. I hope that helps a bit. I would go back to the optician and ask about the spot. Otherwise you'll just keep worrying.

Thank you for sharing that with me.

Now I have calmed myself down I can see this looks very much like a pinguecula. I keep telling myself I will get this checked once things have calmed down a bit more x

08-06-20, 15:00
Hi all.

Currently going through having a phase of getting head pains daily. I am getting confused if it's a migraine.

They do seem to affect my vision. I feel totally drained all of the time. Nausea on and off. Seem to be getting quite cold also, more so my hands - I've always had cold hands though

My question though - can an aura last through out the migrane or stop and start.

Recently been to the opticians 4 weeks ago, where I had a dilated eye exam and was told vitreous detaching. I don't know now if I am getting the two mixed up? With the flashing ect.

Am only 27 and in a Constant state of worry over my health. I keep thinking I've got a tumour or about to have a stroke or something. I am just not enjoying life anymore. I seem to spend most of my days Googleing. Please help anybody.

08-06-20, 20:32

08-06-20, 20:58
I’m not a headache expert but I think daily headaches are more likely to be tension related..... the nausea and feeling drained would fit with that too....
whereabouts is the pain, and what makes it better or worse?

09-06-20, 09:58
I’m not a headache expert but I think daily headaches are more likely to be tension related..... the nausea and feeling drained would fit with that too....
whereabouts is the pain, and what makes it better or worse?
Thank you for replying to me.

The pain is quite spontaneous it can start anywhere really. I do get the feeling of a band around my whole head sometimes.

In terms of making it feel better, just resting once I start doing things again it can start, it's not enough to make me stop what I'm doing however, it's the feeling so tired and lack of motivation.

Can tension headaches affect vision?

I am under a lot of stress at the moment, there is no denying that.. Which I know can contribute. Just seem to be worrying about my health all the time.

09-06-20, 10:04
What vision symptoms are you getting? I know vision problems can cause head pain.... I honestly think nothing you have said sounds sinister. Do painkillers help?

09-06-20, 11:54
What vision symptoms are you getting? I know vision problems can cause head pain.... I honestly think nothing you have said sounds sinister. Do painkillers help?

I had my eyes checked around 5 weeks ago and was told everything looked ok, other than they suspected posterior vitreous detachment. My symptoms flashing and new floaters.

Vison symptoms are pretty much flashing still. I also have Blepharitis which has caused dry eyes and being ligh sensitive. I seem to be noticing absolutely everything with my vision, perhaps because I'm so fixated to them right now.

Friday whilst out walking with my children, I think glare from the sun set this off, each time I blinked I could see this white circle that was moving around, it then went and then when I got home and started talking to my partner I seen this big bf of what looked lightning. I did have a headache after that.

This is another thing with me no matter how rubbish I feel I will not take any Paracetamol or Ibuprofen as I feel scared to do even that.

09-06-20, 12:16
So it sounds like your eye symptoms are completely consistent with vitreous detachment. And your headaches are consistent with stress. Honestly- I think you are worrying unnecessarily

09-06-20, 13:08
https://haydeneatstheworld.com/hiccups/ - if you have the time, read chapter 2-headaches, of the novel I am writing about hypochondria. A few members here have read it and have enjoyed it and said it helped them. If anything, it offers perspective, a few laughs, and will be better for you than googling your symptoms - a fellow hypochondriacs guarantee.

If you don't have the time, just remember to stay of google, and that you are fine. I promise. It gets better.

Keep well friend.

09-06-20, 20:07
Really starting to freak myself out again now.

This evening, whilst turning my head to look at my partner, I was on the floor seeing to my daughter at this point, whilst I had my head turned round I seen a black circle. You know if you press on your eye and you see a black circle at the side of your vision, it was like that. Is this normal?

Freaking myself out, I wish I could let this while eye thing go. Oddly enough when I started this with my eyes this evening, I felt another headache coming on, that was making me think definitely stress and anxiety related.
Until the anxiety kicks again telling me is this a tumour 😭.

I'm really sorry to go on and on.

10-06-20, 05:26
I've had this for the past 6 months. Headaches, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, dry eyes, weird pains in my head, dizziness, feeling absolutely fatigued. I'm seeing an endocrinologist next week as it is hormone related for me.

10-06-20, 08:17
I've had this for the past 6 months. Headaches, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, dry eyes, weird pains in my head, dizziness, feeling absolutely fatigued. I'm seeing an endocrinologist next week as it is hormone related for me.
I did give hormones a thought actually.

How did you manage to find out that it was your hormones? Also what visual disturbances were you getting?
Thank you for replying to me x

10-06-20, 08:59
Hi my mother also had this and it can take a while to normalise, up to 1 year. Your symptoms are consistent with vitreous detachment.

11-06-20, 05:56
I did give hormones a thought actually.

How did you manage to find out that it was your hormones? Also what visual disturbances were you getting?
Thank you for replying to me x

Well, I am in surgical menopause, and my estrogen is dropping and my hormones are all fluctuating. But even before this, I had those symptoms off and on, which could be migraine associated, due to hormones. Makes me feel so strange.

11-06-20, 11:29
Hi my mother also had this and it can take a while to normalise, up to 1 year. Your symptoms are consistent with vitreous detachment.
Thank you for replying to me. Did your Mother ever talk about how her flashing presented?
It really worries me as I am only 27 x

11-06-20, 11:32
Feeling so worried again today and I don't no way out of this.

Night seems to be worse for me. Its like when I look at the TV or bright light source, the image flashes back at me, is this consistent with Vitreous detachment?

11-06-20, 18:36
Has anybody ever got the feeling of your vision closing in on you?

I had this earlier after a pretty stressful evening with my daughter. I now also have a headache that tight on the forhead.

Really struggling today.

Numerous times I've felt like jumping in the car and taking myself to the nearest eye hospital.

I feel I can't cope anymore, I just want putting out of my mysery.

12-06-20, 11:48
Hi all.

Just wondering what this could be. So I have Blepharitis with dry eyes, eye floaters, eye flashes and recently diagnosed with vitreous detachment almost 6 weeks ago by an optician.

Started managing my Blepharitis with a heated eye mask on a morning. I have noticed I can see a black circle that comes and goes when my eyes are closed.

I'm learning myself not to Google and end up in a state of panic.

Coming on here often really helps me. I was wondering if any of you had/has this and any idea if it's something I should be worried about.

12-06-20, 12:36
Forgot to mention above, I had a dilated eye exam 6 weeks ago to check the flashes I was getting. I was told everything was fine.

Prior to this my last full sight test was in August 2019. Again everything was fine.

12-06-20, 12:40
I know you're struggling right now, but if you've been repeatedly told you're fine, you're almost certainly fine.

It sounds to me as though you may be struggling with hyper-awareness where your health anxiety's acting up.

12-06-20, 13:01

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


20-06-20, 20:15
Hi all.

I am sorry I know I have posted lots before regarding my eyes and vision.

I am today just looking for advice on how you manage your symptoms of Blepharitis and dry eyes - if any of you on here suffer with any of these.

I have bought a heated eye mask and I am unsure weather I do or do not still use dry eye drops alongside the eye mask?

Hope to speak soon

20-06-20, 20:55
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


21-11-20, 20:28
Hi Emily, how are you today? Did you find the cause of your flashes?

21-11-20, 20:37
Hi Emily, how are you today? Did you find the cause of your flashes?

Myka... You've been told by your sister, who's a medical professional and your eye doctor, who examined you, that these are normal physiological anomalies. What do you want people to say? :shrug: You've already booked another appointment with an eye doctor who will tell you the same thing I guarantee. You're spiraling. I get that, but there's nothing we can say that's not already been said to quell the rabbit hole you've gotten yourself into. Accept what you've been told and seek real life help for your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

17-09-24, 14:09
I know this is an old post but I am going through this right now and I could have written your post myself. I was told I have a pinguecula and I am in a state of panic because I fear she is wrong and I fear I have eye cancer because like you when I look at the pictures thats what it looks like. Mt pinguecula is pink, that's what really freaks me out abd I have blood vessels coming from it. I feel scared and depressed and I don't know what to do.