View Full Version : Eleavated liver result from blood test

03-06-20, 23:52
I had a blood test as I have been having hot flushes and they are testing for the menopause. I’v just turned 41. When I rang for my results my hormone levels have not come back yet but my liver function was elevated and my Dr has asked me to pop back for another test sometime. He said if it’s still raised they might want to scan my liver. He asked if I drink alcohol. I hardly ever have any alcohol. But I did have 2 drinks on Satarday as it was my birthday. I am so worried and thinking the worst. I know this last year I have been eating not so healthy at all. I am also so very stressed and have been for the last 6 months. I Was out of work for 2 months. I have now started a new one. I am in a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship. I’m too scared to google things. I just want some reassurance that all of this has caused my liver function to be high? Thank you in advance for any advise and reassurance. As they want me to another test soon it’s freaking me out as I can’t imagine it will be normal in the space of a couple of days?

25-06-20, 22:26
Sorry you’re going through this. I’m no expert but all I can say is I had elevated liver results a couple of years ago and worried like absolute mad. Had to repeat the test in 6 weeks time and it came back nice and low, so can obviously fluctuate quite a lot in a short space of time!

25-06-20, 22:36
Hi Poppy41, I've also had this but am now within normal levels. Anti inflammatories can raise certain markers in your liver and some infections also. You didn't say which liver markers were raised, but ALT was raised in mine. Usually Drs recommend testing one month later.

Get yourself some high strength Milk Thistle tablets, they detox the liver and are also good for digestion. I take one every day.