View Full Version : Chest pain

04-06-20, 16:54
I’ve started on 10mg citalopran today and am getting chest pain, quite scared it’s the medication.

05-06-20, 00:15
Nope, that would be your anxiety about taking the medication giving you the pain.... that dose of Citalopram is a small dose.

keep at it

05-06-20, 01:45
I’ve started on 10mg citalopran today and am getting chest pain, quite scared it’s the medication.

SSRIs may cause blood vessel dilation for a while when first taking them as serotonin is involved in regulating constriction and dilation and they are also mild anticoagulants. Either, or both could conceivably trigger chest pain, but the far more likely explanation is anxiety as venusbluejeans suggests, especially if health anxiety is a factor. Fwiw, SSRIs are often prescribed to heart attack/stroke survivors as many become anxious and/or depressed.

ADs may trigger a range of uncomfortable side-effects at the beginning but they rarely cause physical harm.