View Full Version : Acid reflux

04-06-20, 19:58
I have now had acid reflux on and off since lockdown but over the weekend and on going now so I decided to get some Omeprazole from my doctors,,I'm not sure how long they take to work but at the moment I'm not sure wether to sit stand or lay down,even bending over sets it off.Iwas wondering if anyone else was taking Omeprazole,I have bad anxiety which doesn't help.

04-06-20, 21:23
I have now had acid reflux on and off since lockdown but over the weekend and on going now so I decided to get some Omeprazole from my doctors,,I'm not sure how long they take to work but at the moment I'm not sure wether to sit stand or lay down,even bending over sets it off.Iwas wondering if anyone else was taking Omeprazole,I have bad anxiety which doesn't help.

I’m also going through a really bad spell of this at the moment. For years of and on i would get the horrible lump in throat feeling & was told it was globus, anyway decided to have a talk with dr on tuesday who says my symptoms point to silent reflux & has prescribed lanzoprazole every morning & gaviscon advance last thing before bed which i am starting tonight & also not lying on right side as that apparently makes it all so much worse. I hate this so much because i’m already so anxious about everything & this just makes it 10 times worse, i’m obsessing over it constantly & feel scared to eat which is daft because i’ve had this for so many years & eventually it goes away. I really hope this works & i’d also like to know how long this sort of thing takes to work. Hope you get some relief soon prue1956.

05-06-20, 12:19
I haven't taken omeprazole, but I do get horrible heartburn because of my giant fibroids pressing up on my stomach. I've gotten a lot of relief from two things: Taking a daily pro-biotic and intermittent fasting (eating only between 11am and 7pm). Not eating after 7pm makes and especially huge difference. When I get flair ups I'll also cut coffee for a week, eat more veggies, and even try to limit the Tums, which create bad rebound heartburn for me.

09-06-20, 15:06
I have now had acid reflux on and off since
lockdown but over the weekend and on going now so I decided to get some Omeprazole from my doctors,,I'm not sure how long they take to work but at the moment I'm not sure wether to sit stand or lay down,even bending over sets it off.Iwas wondering if anyone else was taking Omeprazole,I have bad anxiety which doesn't help.
Hi Prue
I'm trying to pm you but I don't know how to do it. It's re another post about IBS where you replied that you sometimes have trouble walking and have panic symptoms after a bm. This happens to me too and I very rarely find anyone that shares these sympts so I just wanted to know if they have improved for you and if you ever found out the reason for these symptoms. Doctors always say to me they have never come accross this. I'm suspecting vagus nerve.
Any ideas? X

09-06-20, 20:27

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.


13-06-20, 13:41
Hi if you go to the little square on the top right you should be able to pm me....prue