View Full Version : Removed my own skin tag and bleeding a LOT

05-06-20, 02:26
Hi everyone,

I have not been on this forum for over two years now! I was doing such better UNTIL COVID-19 hit. It set me back a bit. I finally landed my first teaching job (Kindergarten) this year, which turned into remote learning. It was stressful for both teachers and parents. Anyway, I convinced my husband to cut off my skin tag with a brand new sterilized razor blade. It was one of the skin tags that had a long stalk and just stuck out. It was annoying and i was impatient. We used rubbing alcohol and used ice to numb it. He pulled it up with string and then sliced it with a razor blade. It didn't hurt at all and it's gone now. BUT, it was bleeding profusely and I freaked out (not as much as usual though). It's right on my neck so I applied pressure for a few minutes, then put on a band aid. Unfortunately, blood trickled out of the bandaid. Fast forward a bit, and a find this item at my house called wound seal. You sprinkle some of it on your cut and apply pressure for thirty seconds and it stops the bleeding. I'm tempted to pick at it, so I just covered it with a band aid. The removal left a tiny round spot (like a freckle). The blood worried me. Would it have eventually stopped if I had just applied pressure? Has anyone done anything stupid like this, or is it just me? I'm worried about bleeding again!


05-06-20, 02:29
I remove mine all the time. I get them on my neck and my necklaces rub them and it sucks. I take mine off with the toenail clippers. Just keep it clean and it should be fine.

05-06-20, 02:45
The best (and most painless) way to remove skin tags is to get a piece of thread and tie it tightly around the base of the tag. Then a week later it will shrivel and drop off, with no blood issues. A Dr told me about this many years ago :)

05-06-20, 05:47
I remove mine all the time. I get them on my neck and my necklaces rub them and it sucks. I take mine off with the toenail clippers. Just keep it clean and it should be fine.

Yes it’s clean and I have a bandage over it! I can’t believe how much blood was pouring out. I’ve tried ting it with a string. This one was stubborn and it didn’t work.

05-06-20, 05:52
Remember, they’re basically a little wart. They each have a tiny blood vessel. Thats why they bleed. That’s why the string method works cause it cuts of the blood supply causing the tissue to necrotizing. I’m just to lazy to bother with the string so I use the clippers.

05-06-20, 10:27
The best (and most painless) way to remove skin tags is to get a piece of thread and tie it tightly around the base of the tag. Then a week later it will shrivel and drop off, with no blood issues. A Dr told me about this many years ago :)

That's the way I was told to remove them and I have loads of them. However, that word "necrotising" is the deal-breaker for me having known someone with necrotic flesh and gangrene from pressure sores.

05-06-20, 13:01
I just want to say that my daughter is in Kindergarten this year and I cannot even fathom how awful this has been for her teachers. It's been awful for us, but the stress the teachers must be under is just unimaginable in addition to just the sadness of not being with the class, etc... I really feel for you. My daughter has remote class every day and even the 30 minutes of it I can just feel the stress in her teacher's voice as kids STILL don't stay muted, the Google Meet features don't work correctly, etc... Teaching Kindergarten in the age of Covid is not for the feint of heart.