View Full Version : Enlarged left tonsil - GP requested bloods to rule out anything sinister

05-06-20, 17:03

I posted a few weeks ago about this, unfortunately my tonsil is still enlarged on the left side and I have started to get intermittent ear pain and sore throat on that side.

I have been speaking to the GP weekly about this, as each time I was told to wait one week then call back if it hasn't gone. I knew it wouldn't, as I felt well and it didn't have the usual signs of infection, it was just there. So anyway went along with it (whilst annoying my family to the point of arguing) and had another telephone consultation today with a medic at my practice. He said that he didn't know what has caused it but thinks bloods are now a good idea to rule out anything sinister. Well I'm on the ceiling tbh. Also tried to arrange the blood test and need to wait until Monday 13th June so it's going to be a long week.

By sinister I know he means lymphoma, seems as if this a way it can present. As a background, two weeks when I did see a GP in person, she checked my neck and said I did have some glands up but slightly. Also the ear that I get the pain in (on the left side) does get puffy.... the only other thing that I can think could have caused this is I wear earplugs to bed and this may have caused some inflammation in the ear canal resulting in these symptoms (now stopped wearing one in that ear).

I hate Google but am always drawn to it, to be fair, on this occasion it's been correct about one sided tonsil enlargement be a sign of lymphoma as the GP seems to agree.

I've spiraled pretty quickly and already gone straight past tests and straight to diagnose and death. This isn't anyway to live, it's just miserable, soul destroying and all consuming.

10-06-20, 19:14
Hello, can I ask what the outcome of this was please? I’m currently going through a similar thing :(

10-06-20, 22:02
Hi, sorry to hear your in the same boat.. good news is the bloods were normal and no action needed. So thats a plus, but still not sure wot to make of it all. Its still swollen, and im still having ear ache. Ive asked to have a f/u call next week.
I just want the GP to explain a little what is causing it, earache's no fun (never had an earache until now!).
Whats worrying you? K

11-06-20, 10:47
I’m glad your bloods came back normal- that is so reassuring.

I have one swollen tonsil - noticed it on Sunday and it seems like it is a lump on top of the tonsil! I emailed my GP who said it will prob go down in a few weekend but I am OBSESSING over it and keep checking it with my phone torch. It has not gone down since Sunday at all and I feel like it won’t and all this time is delaying things.

I fear that due to it being on one side only it is reacting to a potential cancer in my neck (I have some discomfort in my neck on one side) or lymphoma. I know it’s all irrational but I am terrified.

Rationally, I did have some discomfort in my throat last week and i am wondering if it is from that , like an infection or something.

I won’t be able to relax though until i know :(

12-06-20, 17:19
I know exactly what you mean and feel the same. Can't offer much reassurance atm either, as the medic who originally requested the bloods called me today to follow up, and said bloods were normal but still no explanation for the swelling (as I was thinking) so after talking with another GP ref to ENT.. aswell as antibiotics just incase. Apparently I'll be called next few days with a date, makes me think urgent ref as that's quick.
I hate this bit! X

12-06-20, 20:13
Ok we need to start thinking rationally as I have seen a dentist today - she did nothing for my anxiety!

How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking?
Have you worried before about a health symptom and has it turned out to be nothing?

I’m 34 and I have been down this rabbit hole before so I’m desperately trying to claw myself out.

I have worked out the statistics and last year approximately 6 females between the ages of 30-40 had a cancer in the tonsil in the U.K.

I’m really trying to get things in perspective but also really struggling x

12-06-20, 20:36
I'm 33 :).... you are completely right. Many times I've been here, I recognise this feeling too well. TBH, I'm not worried about tonsil cancer too much, the first GP I spoke to I asked her out right about it and she said "it's not tonsil cancer we would be concerned about, more lymphoma in your age group" which was just lovely.. so this is what I am focused on..

But rationally lymphoma is unlikely in our age group and apparently (another GP) said that you usually do feel poorly in yourself and very tired.

Do you think your tonsil could have always been raised slightly and you've just noticed it?

It's nice to speak to someone in the same boat, apologies if I come across really negative I'm just a bit stuck on being referred at the mo. I hope I feel a bit more positive in the morning x

12-06-20, 20:49
Omg don’t apologise. It took everything for me to put a positive spin on things. Believe me in have been in tears all day (due to a very insensitive dentist who suggested fast tracking me to an oral surgeon). I know just how you feel. My husband despairs of me!

My GP who I have a good relationship with over the years is really not concerned and thinks it will be gone in 3 weeks but like you I have no sign of infection so I’m really dubious and also the dentist said it didn’t look inflamed. So I just have to play the waiting game.

I think the statistic for lymphoma are similar, or really not much in it.

I smoked 10 a day throughout my 20s so this is why I navigated towards tonsil cancer but my dentist said even that have me a low risk? And perhaps the asymmetry had always been there and now I’m paranoid because I smoked!

I really don’t think it has always been there as being a health obsessive (Lol!) I’m sure I would have noticed- I looked in my throat over two months ago when I thought I was having an allergic reaction so was deliberately looking for swelling. 🤷🏻*♀️

How big is the swelling? Mines above my tonsil and is prob under half a cm x

13-06-20, 19:29
Hi PennyLane85, how are u doing? X

15-06-20, 09:50
I have previously posted about an enlarged left tonsil, as it still has not gone down, GP referred via 2ww route.. panicking tbh.
Has anyone else been referred this way, and it turned out to be ok?
Ive taken sometime off work because of the stress of worrying about it. I work with cancer too so doesn't help.

15-06-20, 10:27
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


19-06-20, 15:46
Hey, I was never referred as you have been, but I do have a larger left tonsil with a sort of lump near the top which caused me a lot of worry a few years ago. It’s never been commented on by a dentist and hasn’t grown or changed in the last 5 years, so it’s clearly just that way for a reason only it knows. When I was going through a lot of anxiety about it, I also experienced face, throat and ear aches and pains- I’ve since worked out that this was probably caused by clenching my teeth in my sleep. I also definitely get it more if I’m worrying about something face/ neck related and always on whichever side I’m worried about! Hope this helps a bit x

19-06-20, 16:30
Thank you for replying! Its good to know youve had the same, especially with the added pain, and it was completely benign. I get a bit of a earache and sorethroat so that was adding to my worry.. I had my appointment today actually (cancellation) and the consultant (not the nicest man tbh) had a look and said just looks like a normal tonsil, that is slightly enlarged. He thinks there is a 1% of a chance something untoward so will remove it to be 100%and as im getting discomfort. He said nodes weren't up or anything, so thats positive. Op prob 6 July. xx

25-06-20, 09:14
I first noticed i had a swollen tonsil in 2014. Not only was it swollen, it was weirdly misshapen with bumps and stuff on it/behind it. Add to that i started having one sided ear pain and sore throat on that same side. That kicked off an 18 month spiral of anxiety. I had blood tests, CT scan, MRI, saw 8 - 10 different ENTs. Every doctor told me that it was pretty normal looking and sometimes tonsils swell and stay swollen.

The person who posted about looking in their mouth with the phone flash light....i cant tell you how many hours i spent doing that, obsessing.

Now, 6 years later, its still swollen and weird looking. I get pain around there from time to time, but i dont really notice it anymore. I do know that opening my mouth wide in front of the mirror 20x a day strained my TMJ joint that caused more pain in my ear that pushed me further down the spiral.

Anyway, i write all this to share that as someone who spent a year and a half utterly convinced they had tonsil cancer/lymphoma, reading every scrap of info, calculating cancer rate stats etc, you can more or less rest assured, you don't have anything to worry about. Our bodies do weird things, we don't need to explain these seemingly mysterious changes with "thats cancer". I lost a good chunk of 2014/2015 doing that.

25-06-20, 21:02
It's good to hear that, thanks for taking the time to reply! Ive really hit one of my biggest anxiety flares because of all this. I cannot wait to have it out now and hopefully draw a line under this whole crappy time.
Honestly appreciate hearing that yours was completely normal. Google shows just cancer, cancer (I know that's pretty standard with Google but, wow, with one sided tonsil enlargement it's horrendous) xx

26-06-20, 07:56
My right tonsil has been enlarged and lumpy for years now, it’s also the side I get more ear pain etc but I’m perfectly fine. Yours will be out soon and you will be able to move on from this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-07-20, 19:40
Hi Worryingmum
I have only seen your reply!
How are you getting on? Did you get to the bottom of your enlarged tonsil? X

25-07-20, 05:11
Are you sure he wasn't thinking peritonsillar abscess as the "sinister" thing? That is 1000x more likely. The blood test could just be a CBC looking for elevated white count.