View Full Version : Is this a wisdom tooth? Lump under gum

06-06-20, 04:41
Hi all! Hope you are all safe and well during these times!

I have a small, hard, white lump above and slightly to the outside of my last molar. I’ve had problems with the tooth next to it (large cavity whose filling was very uncomfortable, so I have had a temporary filling in for the past year and a half because it feels better). The last molar usually doesn’t bother me, but every once in a while I feel slight pain/pressure coming from on top of it, and I can feel it when I eat or floss. It’s not like a sharp pain from a cavity or anything though. I’m almost 17, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a wisdom tooth coming in as I have all of mine. I do have a dentist appointment coming up later this month to replace said temp filling (I was supposed to have it done when COVID first came out and cancelled everything) so I am planning on asking my dentist then, but I keep thinking about it and would like some input from others to settle my mind for now.

There’s not really any inflammation or signs of blood or puss around it.
I added a picture - it’s not that great, kinda hard to take pictures of the back of my mouth :)5074

Thanks - Aly

06-06-20, 05:44
It looks like a wisdom tooth coming in to me!