View Full Version : Nasal cancer scab wont heal

06-06-20, 19:59
Ive already made a post about this a few months ago but its not letting me comment on it.

Ive been getting blisters up my nose for a while now, stuck it down to allergies/ dry weather.
I have a scab in my right nostril, literally just on the inside my nose on the bottom. Im certain Ive had it a while, like a few weeks now. Ive been good at keeping my fingers out my nose since my last bout of blisters.
They've come back - had awful allergies this week to the point I could barely breathe so assumed thats why Ive got a few blisters.
Was just checking my nose out and noticed the scab.

Its a lot smaller than last month, but I've put that down to Ive left it alone but now it seems to not being going. Its healed a little but then thats it.
Im an absolute IDIOT and googled it and of course it said nasal cancer...
Im 26 year old female, never smoked and barely drinks alcohol(know these can affect it). Im beside myself assuming the worse.
Partner thinks I'm being stupid and I just think its the same scab and Im fine. I just dont know and can feel myself spiralling. Im too scared to make a doctors appointment because I'm afraid of the outcome.