View Full Version : Shaking and jelly legs - Essential tremor or worse?

07-06-20, 20:45
Hi all

I have been having twitches all over my body, and a constant tremor, mainly in my hands, head and legs for the last five days. I want to say it's just anxiety but I've never had this before. I notice I am being more clumsy and having jerky movements as well, and could barely prepare food this morning due to the shakiness of my hands.

I've been looking into Essential Tremor - does it sound like this? I have been extremely anxious and stressed lately.

I initially went through the ALS scare, but after reading many posts, I don't think it could be it because I haven't noticed any weakness (touch wood), unless the shaking IS a sign of weakness? My muscles also shake if i tense them, eg my bicep.

Please if anyone could confirm if you think this is essential tremor or something more serious... I don't want to become a shaky spasming mess in a few years time :'(

I'm 33 and female.

Thanks in advance

08-06-20, 05:41
I think the most likely explanation is adrenaline from anxiety. Essential tremor wouldn't come on so suddenly and in so many areas of your body.

Up your daily exercise, cut out caffeine and get more sleep for a day or two to see if that helps. If not, you should see your doctor to get to the bottom of it and something to help.