View Full Version : Dreamt I had a stroke!?

08-06-20, 12:15
Ok I’m freaking out. I have weird dreams randomly like everyone, but the other night I dreamt I had a stroke. Like I could see myself and my lip was drooping and stuff and I couldn’t really do anything about it. I looked it up and can barely find similar experiences, and saw something that said dreaming you have a stroke is rare! Only unless you think about it a lot which I haven’t. I am freaking out - I’m only 23 and I have migraine auras sometimes so with that comes a bit of a higher risk of stroke. I haven’t had an aura in ages though so honestly haven’t even been thinking about stroke - I used to panic about it way more so I’m freaking out that I’m going to have one in future or something. I know dreams don’t seem to tell the future but sometimes there are cases where things people dreamt of happen health wise and it freaks me out! Super scared :(

08-06-20, 12:19
I know dreams don’t seem to tell the future


They are completely unconnected. You are worrying about nothing.

Stop reading nonsense on the internet about premonitions.