View Full Version : The song I wrote to combat my attacks !!!

02-02-05, 10:59

Dobbin here 31 m from Clapham London.

New to the site .... brief history as i will send my full story in via email.

Had a huge panic (i know its a panic attack now) on the tube in October last year ... scared the hell out of me ... I had to get off the tube at Victoria and walk to Clapham where I live. Was feeling very threatened on the walk home thinking every body was out to get me ... and that I was dying ... my hearing was muffled and i had major dizziness 8(.

Anyway ... attacks got progressively worse and reallt started to affect my life ... I went to the doctors of whom advised panic attacks and high blood pressure caused by stress and signed me off work for two weeks and prescribe me beta blockers. Also had blood tests done that were clear. My boss seemed to be totally understanding until I phoned up to say I would be back in Monday (didnt feel ready to go back but was worried about my job re bills to pay etc) to which he told me "We have exercised our right to terminate your employment as you are on a probationary period!" ... (i started a new job last september).

So cut a long story short ... I’m now looking for a new job and try to deal with these attacks. I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m scared to leave the house so I go out every day to deal with it ... Even if it’s to get some milk down the shops. I set myself goals every day. Went on the tube over the weekend only for two stops. Felt ok and like I had really achieved something. My girlfriend has been a tower of strength but I’m worried that it will all become too much. We had to cancel out Xmas holiday to France as I had a huge panic attack boxing day that lasted for 2.5 days. Times have been hard and then to lose my job as well (looking into taking them to court according to ACAS I have grounds to take them to a tribunal) but I think maybe the job was part of the cause so taking it as a blessing in disguise. Signed on with some agencies Monday... Was very nervous but once I started talking about myself and work history etc I forgot all about "Sh*T what if I have a panic attack!". I have found that talking about a subject you know lots about ie. yourself keeps you from thinking and even makes you for get about your panic attacks !!.. I have also written a song (and put music to it) I find helps as I sing it in my head if I start to feel funny. Happened the other day when I was driving to Croydon. so I started singing the song I had written in my head and before I knew it I was in Croydon and the wave of nasty’ ness had passed. The song was my way of taking the negative feeling of panic attacks and turning it into a positive thing I enjoy. Writting songs and playing the guitar ! … Just a thought … anybody else tried something similar???? Get in touch if you want the lyrics to the song. Was going to post lyrics on the website but not confident enough … The old confidence been knocked for six of late !!! as you all probably understand ! But if anybody interested pls get in touch ... dobbin1973@hotmail.com

Anyway after saying I would keep this short I have gone on a bit !! ha ha

This website it a great place and although I would not wish what I am going through on anyone its nice to know there are people out there who can understand and have similar problems.

Also, how do you post a pic any one ????


Dobbin (simon)

02-02-05, 11:23
Hi Simon

Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of help and support here from like-minded people
Sorry to hear you didn't have very understanding boss, doesn;t do much for the panic does it?
You seem to be quite positive about all this and are working in the right direction, have you read First Steps by Meg on the home page, it's really helpful.
Why don't you post your lyrics on the forum I'm sure everyone would love to read them, I know I would.
Nicola will tell you how to post a pic, I haven;t a clue!!
Anyway, take care

Elaine x

02-02-05, 12:59
Hi Simon

Great to see you here. You sound very positive about things and even though you lost the job you have not let it stop you looking for a new one - well done!

Keep going out each day as you are as that will keep your confidence up and ensure you don't end up agoraphobic and stuck at home.

If you want your pic on the site then please email it to me at nomorepanic@btinternet.com

Look forward to hearing more from you.


02-02-05, 13:53
Hi Simon,

You are going to be fine.

You have already found that distraction is the easiest way to ward off bad moments and avert panic approaching .

The next step is to change the thought processes that led to having the bad moment to start with. This may be apparant or not at all. Think back to the tube moment - can you identify what you were dwelling on ..

Glad you have support in your girlfriend. If she has any questions we'd be happy to answer them for her . Its scary for her too but keep talking together and letting her know your endeavours and progress and it'll help her help you.

I once was meant to be going on a city break when I was ill- cheap flights- I couldn't face it 3 days before hand - so changed the dates to make it shorter at some considerable cost and then still just couldn't go on the day - I was in such a state. Cost a fortune in the end but I was so scared of letting my partner down. He was great but I was convinced he'd leg it as our relatiionship was partly built on travelling as a common ambition .
We've just come back from one of several trips and whilst we were there he alluded to that missed weekend from years ago and said that in the great scheme of life it was not at all significant and had never considered leaving at all but especially not as he could see I was making a huge effort to self help.
La France will still be there in a few months.

We have a poet laureate in Liz but a composer .. this we want to hear. If you can get it onto a wav file on a blog somewhere I expect Nic can link to it .


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

02-02-05, 13:59
hi and welcome i also sing to distract myself from the panic but im afraid i do it very badly ...........post the song lyrics on here and give me something else to murder lol

fan x

02-02-05, 14:44
Hi Simon

Welcome to the forum. You are doing well by motivating yourself to go out every day and tackle your panic head-on. Sorry to hear about your job and I hope you find something else soon.

We'd all love to read your song lyrics. I find writing helps me sometimes, usually short stories but like you, I am not brave enough to share them with anyone.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-02-05, 14:56
Hi Simon, U r realy doing well, Seems u r strong and on your way to beating it, The song sounds great, I play guitar but not so much now I am 56 and only play a bit, My two sons play one is 26 and in the army and other is doing full time music in collage, He is realy dedicated and pretty good. Would love to hear your song, do u have it on MP3 so we could listen? lyricks to would be great. My Email is cov49@yahoo.com
Hope u get better soon and good luck, Vernon

02-02-05, 15:13
Just wanted to say thank you to all you guys who replied to my post and so quickly !!! 8)

I'll work on a finished version of the lyrics before I post ... in the mean time this is the chorus that I sing in my head when I feel an attack coming on… helps me :) The capital letters represent the chord played on the guitar/keyboard if any of you play.


Do you control it
Does it control you
What you gonna chose
I think you already know

Cause it s just a panic attack
And what’s the worse it can do !

Oh well im off to the shops for some recipe ingredients for (today’s challenge ASDA !!!) my other passion cooking !! cant let panic attaks get in the way of me food !!! ...

Take care guys !!!

and you remember you control it not it controls you !!!

Si xx

02-02-05, 15:17

Me again .... messages dont allow for spaces hence chords represented wrong.... had do show chords as below so the fit in the right part of the chorus.

Cause it s just a
And what’s the worse it
can do !

Think thats it !!!


02-02-05, 15:34
Thanks Simon, I'll give it a go on the keyboard
Good luck with Asda and well done for going.

Elaine x

02-02-05, 15:45
I got chucked out of music in 2nd year for playing the triangle too badly so I'd better wait for a wav file version..

Looking forward to it .


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

02-02-05, 16:44
Welcome to the site Simon!! :D

02-02-05, 18:27
lets just hope we never all end up wandering roud the same asda at the same time singing it eh?

fan x

02-02-05, 19:30

Welcome aboard m8 (I'm new myself) but keep singing, writing and cooking and I'm sure you'll be on the road to recovery before you know it! :)

Good luck and good health!


03-02-05, 10:24
Hi Simon

Welcome to the site:D



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.