View Full Version : Chest pain

09-06-20, 01:08
I have this sharp chest pain thats radiating to my back.
Its similar to when i eat things i cant digest.
My stomach is queasy now too.
Is this serious?
A heart attack?

09-06-20, 17:36
Dear Delilah, Are you okay now? My thought is that the seriousness of this is dependent on how old you are and how long the pain lasts.

I am also 60. Chest pain would be something I would take very serious. If it was my very healthy 20 year old child who had this happen from time to time after eating certain things, I wouldn’t be as worried.

In the past, I’ve gotten sharp radiating pains in my chest that only lasted a few seconds. My doctor said the short duration of the pain meant it was not a heart problem.

Please let us know how you are.

09-06-20, 22:24
Hi debbie!!!
Im 18 turning 19 soon and it was short lasting.
Im fine now thankfully❤

It doesnt happen often but when it does its at night.

09-06-20, 23:10
Delilah, you know that if it had of been serious that you would have been in no way able to post on the forum? You physically wouldn't have been able to.