View Full Version : Gastroparesis

09-06-20, 18:35
I have felt so sick for the last 6 weeks, its very bad in the mornings
I have now diagnosed myself with Gastroparesis, please help....

09-06-20, 18:43
Congratulations on achieving your medical qualification!

09-06-20, 19:27
I have just diagnosed you of 'pregnancy'

The moral of the story is that there are many different things which cause nausea, not least anxiety

09-06-20, 19:28

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.


09-06-20, 19:46
I have felt so sick for the last 6 weeks, its very bad in the mornings
I have now diagnosed myself with Gastroparesis, please help....

I'll help..Remind yourself what you said last night on your previous thread.40 years plus one day..

09-06-20, 20:14
Thank you for your helpful reply !

09-06-20, 20:23
Congratulations on achieving your medical qualification!

Is there a need for sarcasm

10-06-20, 00:11
Is there a need for sarcasm

No there's not, especially when you're feeling unwell :huh:

10-06-20, 00:44
Is there a need for sarcasm

No there's not, especially when you're feeling unwell :huh:

The other side of the coin is that the sarcasm points out the repetitive and negative self destructive behavior of Googling, ruminating, self-diagnosing and impulsively posting that has been perpetuating this recent spiral. Granted, you feel awful and have been for a while but you can't expect to feel better when you're continually shooting yourself in the foot :shrug: Perhaps, write the thoughts down in a journal or Word doc first. Wait an hour or so and read it back before you post. It may help you recognize your irrational behavior and thoughts as well as quell the need for reassurance.

Positive thoughts

10-06-20, 04:53
I'm really sorry I upset you, PB. You used the phrase "diagnosed myself", which I honestly thought meant you were aware of the irrationality of your thoughts. Therefore, I joked about it, because joking about my own irrationality helps me out things into perspective and feel better.

I've had a fair amount of success by treating my own anxiety as a ridiculous nuisance, too, including those times when my body started doing scary stuff.

I hope you feel better soon.

10-06-20, 20:16
You’re not alone. I’ve diagnosed myself with Gastroparesis, diverticulitis, dumping syndrome, IBD..... I get pins and needles in my hands when I get extremely bloated.

11-06-20, 17:18
Omg dizzy1 at last somebody that also gets pins and needles in hands when bloated. I also get it when pooping...and numb hands, shortness of breath, sweating...I just can't find out why. Any ideas?

11-06-20, 22:58
I have gastroparesis (diagnosed via gastric emptying study). I have been reading your posts and it doesn't look like you have it at all.

12-06-20, 00:23
I get it from time to time too (I also have CFS) and I agree with the above post, it doesn't sound like gastroparesis.

12-06-20, 09:33
Thank you for your replies, it’s just the nausea in the mornings is really bad.
Ive lost a lot of weight and gp now says she can’t just assume it’s anxiety and wants to send me for more tests..

12-06-20, 09:38
That must be scary for you, but I'm glad you're on track to get some answers soon.

12-06-20, 23:09
Thank you for your replies, it’s just the nausea in the mornings is really bad.
Ive lost a lot of weight and gp now says she can’t just assume it’s anxiety and wants to send me for more tests..

Good that your Dr is sending you for tests. I have heard to this before, a teacher at my school had nausea with vomiting every morning and wasn't pregnant. It turned out to be nothing serious.

If you have some motility issues there are medications available for this.

13-06-20, 10:00
Have had pains in lower left side all night. Worried again about diverculitis, but gp said I would have a temp and watery diahirrea.
Waiting for hospital tests as have lost so much weight.
Side quite painful, this is a nightmare..

14-06-20, 10:43
I can’t cope anymore, I feel so ill and don’t know what’s real and what’s anxiety.
i keep getting pains in my left side , especially after eating. I’m taking tablets for ibs, but they have peppermint oil in an are making my reflux worse. I take omperazole for reflux.
I can barely get out of bed in the morning.
I have lost a lot of weight and now have to have tests , as my dr said she can not assume it’s anxiety.
I feel that I am never going to feel well again and I have elderly parents to look after.
I honestly feel like I’m dying..

14-06-20, 11:14
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-10-20, 10:33
Hi did you ever get to the bottom of what was causing your nausea and weight loss? Interested to know.