View Full Version : Long period

10-06-20, 18:02
Hey all.. I guess I'm on here for some reassurance until I can eventually get through to my gp! Our local surgery has been chaos since the whole covid thing! Anyway!!!
My periods have always been irregular so keeping track is always a nightmare. For the past year or so I seem to be going longer in between, even going a few months without a period! They have also become longer. Sometimes I'll have some spotting for about a week before it starts! I've never felt the need to bring it to my gps attention.. But now I have health anxiety 🤬

I'm currently on day 13 of one of the most annoying periods ever! After no period for a few months. Not that heavy but very clotty! Very crampy. Seems like its reducing one minute and then back to the norm the next! My health anxiety has me freaking out! I've got all the negatives popping into my head! That little voice screaming "Oh its serious, its cancer, you're gonna die"

My more rational sensible voice is telling me "Lashana you are almost 37, your body will be changing you div!" "Lashana there are so many logical reasons for it" "Lashana stop acting like a tit because it's not helping" lol

Anyone else experienced extra long periods!? I feel like I'm going insane!

If you got this far, thanks for taking the time to read xx

11-06-20, 06:56
Yeah I did. I would always get anything like that checked out, just for peace of mind. But you are definitely at the age where things can go crazy down there

11-06-20, 21:32
Thanks for the reply Snowy.. I managed to get talking with my gp today, I've an appointment for tomorrow, she wants to take some bloods and do an examination! Now to cope with the anxiety of waiting for results.. Jeez I hate H.A

12-06-20, 07:22
I did once and went to see my doctor for tests also. Let us know how you get on.

12-06-20, 07:55
Thanks Scass.. my appointment is at 11 and I'm absolutely petrified! I actually wish I could give myself a shake and snap out of it.
Feeling a bit awkward/embarrassed about having the examination while still bleeding. Has to be done I guess 🤷

12-06-20, 08:10
I'm at that age too, and I'm suffering from all manner of weirdness. Will be thinking of you - please let us know how you get on?

12-06-20, 08:27
Thanks Blue, very much appreciated x I will be sure to pop on and let you know how it goes!

12-06-20, 19:56
So had my appointment, doc took some swabs to test for infection and the like, she did a smear too. Examined everything and said things look as they should. Had some blood tests to check hormones and blood count! She says everything is pointing to PCOS 🤷 Results from swabs and bloods should be back by Monday so I've fingers crossed they will be ok.

12-06-20, 22:51
I’m glad you got seen so quickly, it sounds reassuring, and she was very thorough.