View Full Version : Deep cut and bee sting

10-06-20, 18:36
I cut my self on my finger today and it was deep and just right now i got stung by a fat bee on the next finger its burning so bad and hurtssss like mental.
Could i develop sepsis.
Ive had an unlucky day today ugh

10-06-20, 18:36
I cant really feel my finger too

10-06-20, 18:43
I know stings make swelling happen but my whole finger is swollen big

10-06-20, 19:17
That's what stings can do, sadly.

10-06-20, 19:20
I dont feel youre being very sympathetic

10-06-20, 19:26
I'm sorry, I was meaning to commiserate.

10-06-20, 19:30
In reference to your reply to BI.... You got stung. That's what happens. Tea and sympathy won't make it heal any faster. We all have rough days. That's life :shrug: Put some ice on it and chill out... literally :winks:

Positive thoughts

10-06-20, 20:17
Take some Benadryl. Antihistamines help with the swelling.

10-06-20, 22:44

14-06-20, 01:17
Well its been four days now and its on occasion swells up again as well as get itchy and red hot.
I see a long line on my finger and a dot so i think thats the stinger.
Isnt it dangerous to have venom still in my body?

14-06-20, 03:10
Not unless you're allergic to it. It will heal faster if you can remove the stinger.

14-06-20, 11:47
I can remove it ughhh.
It wont come out

14-06-20, 12:12
The stinger only has a certain amount of venom in it and after this time there won't be any in there and it will have been absorbed by your body.

You are infinitely more healthy than the bee now is..........

14-06-20, 19:49

That's very true, Delilah. At least you know you got one up on the bee ;)

15-06-20, 00:02
Are you sure guys?
My finger swells up and gets hot red and itchy every night.
Its not going back to normal

15-06-20, 00:03
It looks like a large hive is going to form

15-06-20, 00:09
That bee really put up a fight

15-06-20, 01:04
Yes, that's normal until your body expels the stinger because the longer it's in the skin, the longer the irritant remains. I'm a gardener, and I've gotten a lot of bee stings, unfortunately. Keep taking Benadryl to help with the reaction. Also use ice or ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain.

15-06-20, 11:02
Thanks for the info antsy!!
Its been the 3rd time ive been stung doing the laundry outside hahahaha the bees like to hide inside the clothes for some reason...

15-06-20, 11:42
Bit like the paper wasps we have here I left my sneakers in the shed for a month and the mongrels built their nest in one them:DI have an epipen as bees and I,Well we aren’t friends.

17-06-20, 01:13
Yep hahahah i have a bad past with wasps and bees but i still have love for them.
P.s. my finger is still itchy and red :(

17-06-20, 04:50
cortisone cream for the itch!