View Full Version : Fed up.

11-06-20, 19:09
Hey, been suffering alot more then usual lately, normally have my anxiety under control but i feel like im losing control, im having panic attacks more often to. I have instagram but i got rid of facebook a while ago due to things triggering me but now im not sure whst it is i hate to blame people if thats what im doing but not one person in weeks as asked if im ok? Why am i expected to just be ok ? Im dealing with people telling me there problems from when im opening my eyes until its time to say goodnight, i feel miserable. I have a 1 year old so i really cant afford to be this depressed not to mention the panic attacks daily, the constant bad thoughts running wild :( im honestly lost unfortunately and as it stands i cant see a light at the end of the tunnel again, i just want to feel normal again i feel like im just doing daily things/routines to make myself feel better i dont feel like im living at all i feel like im living to survive daily and its so draining i feel so bad to even post this message but i have nobody else to speak to,i definitely think this covid19 has brought on my HA again buy im trying not to even think about that right now .

Hope everyones well.

11-06-20, 21:13
I feel for you. I know so many people who are struggling at the moment with this Covid and everything else going on with the protests etc. Feels like the whole world has gone mad - maybe we're the ok ones and it's just everyone else who are the odd ones??? It may feel as though there's no hope - but this will pass and you will feel better. Keep off Social media - it's toxic.

11-06-20, 22:20
Thank you for taking the time to reply, i agree it has gone crazy, its just hard and im trying so hard but who wants to live like this.. constantly forcing yourself to live every single day.. im so thankful for my son at these times cos he really does keep me going. I agree social media is toxic but so can people be. I have two friends and im finding them so draining recently too. I feel awful saying it but listening to so much moaning and negativity drains me.. maybe i need a break from my phone altogether.

Are you ok, how are you coping?

12-06-20, 07:01

Hope you're feeling better, but I just wanted to add a little advice, though.

Have you told your friends that you're not okay? It's absolutely okay to do that.

12-06-20, 08:54
I have two friends and both are going through things at home, i dont want to burden them with my problems, i dont have anybody to tell. Ive woke up today feeling weird like drained although i slept well surprisingly.

12-06-20, 08:58
In that case, when people start to make you feel drained you need to tell them. I don't mean to be harsh, but you can't assume people are telepathic. You need to advocate for your own boundaries and needs.

My life has been so much easier since I learned this.