View Full Version : Brain Aneurysm Fears

13-06-20, 00:52
I have been doing so well for years ! I know I have because I haven’t been on this site for a couple of years and here I am now desperately hoping to be told I’m losing the plot and this is my old health anxiety rearing it’s ugly head. Here goes, so I am a frequent sufferers of headaches I always get them in the exact same place upper right side of head and sometimes into forehead and around right eye. All perfectly normal and how I am I thought. Recently my headaches have really upped their game. I am having a few days of constant headaches a few days off. Well yesterday early hours it began! I had a dull headache most of the day then later that night I coughed and instantly a shooting pain shot through the area of my head where I get headaches ! Rather alarming but I have learnt to stay calm with random symptoms. Then it just carried on all day this sharp shock of pain whenever I coughed, moved my head in a certain angle, leaned forward, laughed, went the toilet, picked up my child you name it any move and my head felt like it had an instant zap of pain. Of course old habits die hard... I turned to my old nemesis google. I have all the symptoms of a brain aneurysm something I find particularly frightening due to the ticking time bomb nature of them and the fact they can ‘explode’ any minute. I am really struggling to find any information about this type of head pain I am having an even indeed anyone who even knows what I am talking about ! Everything points to this horrifying condition. I won’t lie I’m scared and pretty convinced at this point Iv got one. Any advice anyone ?

13-06-20, 09:01
Sorry to hear you are struggling with this Sarah. I have 7 health anxiety fears on the go at the moment and headache is one of them. Someone on another thread posted this link and it really helped me calm down and put things into perspective. Hope it helps you too. Scroll down to chapter two: Headaches https://haydeneatstheworld.com/hiccups/

13-06-20, 12:29
Thankyou. I shall take a look at it shortly x

13-06-20, 13:58
Hey Sarah.

Firstly, thanks carrie for sharing my work, I'm glad it helped you enough to make you want to share it with someone else.
Secondly, Sarah, you're fine. If you read the chapter I think it will help, but if you don't have the time, just know that I've had every headache under the sun, I still get the ice pick headaches, the one sided, the tension - anything you can think of. And I'm fine. But i wasted months of my life worrying about it. And I don;t want other people to do the same. Instead, they could spend twenty minutes reading, and hopefully laughing, a chapter about someone else who did it all for them!

Best regards friend

13-06-20, 15:33
Hi there, I read the chapter and have to admit I laughed at your 3rd scare 😂 I decided to be productive and go for an eye test instead of ruminating on the possibility of an aneurysm. My vision is fine and the eye dude said my headaches and shooting head pains are not down to my eyes and sound mechanical.. cue a slight tantrum and flounce out of shop. What on earth does mechanical mean !!! I’m convinced he meant my brain and now it’s put me in a funk. However I am aiming to stay calm.