View Full Version : Does anyone?

22-10-07, 18:41
Hello All,

Does anyone have a panick attack if they are at hospital with a friend or at the docs waiting or talking about any conditions?
I get them all the time all day long I wont take soroxat like my doctor tried to give me but find it hard to cope.
I have panic all day every day in the car walking my dog watching tv all the time.
I have central chest pain the doc says is due to panick and wont give me tests even though its so bad and burns I also have shooting pains down my arms with numbness.
I have to start work again next monday its a new job as i GOT SACKED from my last due to sickness, I had pre cancer of my cervix so have not worked since June and it worries me starting a new job in London as I live near Reading London seems miles away!
Sorry all im just worried...xx

Sorry if spelling is bad im Dyslexic x

22-10-07, 20:02
hello hun

sounds like you are having a real tough time. i do have panic attacks when going to docs or talking about it i get very chatty and can't speak properly.

i don't take meds as i have seemed to have calmed mine down a little but i think that maybe you should give them a try if you aremfeeling hard to cope and are not having luck with the techniques on here
