View Full Version : Mobile Apps for Anxiety

14-06-20, 12:08
I'm in the midst of possibly one of the worst spirals I've ever had. Every day is full of dread, fear, chronic anxiety and feelings like hopelessness, impending doom etc.........

Has anyone here tried any of the mobile apps for anxiety? Something like Headspace or one of those.
I've never tried any of them. I googled them but there's just so many of them out there it's hard to know which one to pick.
I understand that what might suit one person might not suit another (the same way as meds or therapy would work for different people), but has anyone had any luck as far as HA goes with one of these apps? Have you found one that helps some bit, even if it's just a little bit? And it's not just HA with me, I seem to be suffering from GAD also, which is slowly getting worse. Worrying about things in my life that I have no control over, always thinking the worst case scenarios (the same way I do with HA).
I'm just a ball of worry these days, worrying about my health, my families health, things going on in my life and my family's lives - the worry never stops any more.

I want to do as many little things as I can to help myself. I've started exercising and I had started eating healthy but slipped up over the past week :blush: I'll sort that out again. But now I'd like a good app to try to help me relax, so any suggestions would be really appreciated :)

14-06-20, 14:42
Insight Timer app.

Loads of meditations and mindfulness tracks to listen to for free. Has really helped me out of some rough times. I practice every day now. Can really give you a break from stress and worry. Has helped calm me a lot and made me feel stronger in the mind.

14-06-20, 16:09
My counsellor has recommended two apps, one is called Worry Tree and the other (my favourite) is called MindShift. MindShift requires some navigating as there’s so much to do. Breathing exercises, muscle tension release exercises, places to log worries and challenge beliefs- logging what you think will happen when you do something you’re anxious about, then going back to it once it’s done to record the *actual*, non catastrophic outcome. It’s brilliant! Hope that helps.

15-06-20, 02:04
I have Woebot on my phone. It's a little robot character that checks in with you once a day and gives you CBT lessons.

I'll have to check out some of the others suggested in this thread.

15-06-20, 16:36
Just to add. In conjunction with Insight Timer I wear over the ears noise cancelling headphones. Really helps when you want to take a break from your everyday stresses and worries.
Though I'm sure normal headphones 🎧 would do the jobs just fine.

15-06-20, 23:15
I'm curious as to which app(s) you downloaded and your thoughts on them.

Positive thoughts

15-06-20, 23:55
Thanks for the suggestions above.

I downloaded 2 for now - one called MyLife (I had come across it before so decided to try it) and the other MindShift (recommended above).

MyLife contains short meditation and mindfulness exercises. Each time you use it you input how you feel physically and mentally, then it suggests a few meditation and mindfulness activities based on how you feel. It seems to cover a large range of emotions, so whether you're depressed, anxious, sad, angry, lonely, can't sleep or whatever way you feel, it will suggest a few exercises based on those emotions.

So far I like it, but it's very early days yet.

I didn't really get time to have a look at the other app, MindShift, so I'm curious to know how that one works for me.
I'm going to play around with the 2 of them for a while, see if either of them suit me.

I actually fell asleep listening to one of the meditations in MyLife last night!!

16-06-20, 00:30
I actually fell asleep listening to one of the meditations in MyLife last night!!


Positive thoughts