View Full Version : Possible ibs? No answer from doctor

15-06-20, 00:45
I’m a health 32 y/o male. Within the past week I developed constipation, lots of gas but can’t pass it, and lower left abdominal pain.

I can have a bowel movement, but it doesn’t feel complete and sometimes I feel the need to go, but can’t. Same with gas. I feel I need to pass gas all day, but barely pass any. The pain I have is confined to my lower left abdominal.

I saw a NP as my doctor wasn’t available and they sent me for a CT scan as she wanted to make sure it wasn’t diverticulitis or an obstruction. The results were just constipation.

This all came on suddenly as well. I haven’t changed anything in my daily routine other than an increased amount biking within the past week and half. I don’t know if that could be the culprit.

I had a pain on my lower left side for months now that was though to be a hernia, but a surgeon didn’t think it was, an ultrasound was inconclusive, and I figure that would’ve shown up on the recent CT scan. I don’t think that pertains to this, but figured I’d mention it since it’s in the same area.

22-06-20, 19:08
It could be IBS, make sure you are getting a lot of water and fiber