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View Full Version : 6 month old daughter had a fall

15-06-20, 08:27
Hey everyone, my husband was changing out 6 and a half month old daughter and she ended up falling off the changing table. It was about 3 1/2 feet. I heard her scream and he yelled she fell. So I immediately ran to her. We were all so freaked out and we took her to the emergency room. They assessed her and observed her for an hour and said she was fine. They said to follow up with her pediatrician. When we got home she was acting totally normal. But I feel absolutely heartbroken that this happened. I feel so bad for her. I ended up calling out of work. So I can continue to monitor her. I think I’m letting my anxiety get to me at this point. I just love her so much and If anything happened to her I would not be ok. I’m also mad at my husband but I’m trying to be understanding as it was a complete accident.

15-06-20, 08:39
Hey everyone, my husband was changing out 6 and a half month old daughter and she ended up falling off the changing table. It was about 3 1/2 feet. I heard her scream and he yelled she fell. So I immediately ran to her. We were all so freaked out and we took her to the emergency room. They assessed her and observed her for an hour and said she was fine. They said to follow up with her pediatrician. When we got home she was acting totally normal. But I feel absolutely heartbroken that this happened. I feel so bad for her. I ended up calling out of work. So I can continue to monitor her. I think I’m letting my anxiety get to me at this point. I just love her so much and If anything happened to her I would not be ok. I’m also mad at my husband but I’m trying to be understanding as it was a complete accident.

oh bless you all horrible experience, the good thing your little girl is fine babies are more resilient than you think

And being angry with your husband is a normal reaction, he probably feels terrible just trust in your doctor and give her plenty of tlc xx

its been a nasty shock for you all wishing you all well xx

best wishes

15-06-20, 09:52
Believe me you dont need to be angry at your husband as he will be angry with himself. It could happen to anyone it only takes a seconds lack of concentration. Glad it appears all is ok. At the minute I feel like I am constantly filling out accident forms at my little ones nursery. They are so clumsy sometimes.

15-06-20, 15:33
I looked up the dimensions of the changing table. It’s 2 feet 9 inches. I am so scared. I really can’t shake this anxiety. I’m really upset... baby seems fine but I’m scared there is some underlying issues this may have caused.

15-06-20, 17:30
I looked up the dimensions of the changing table. It’s 2 feet 9 inches. I am so scared. I really can’t shake this anxiety. I’m really upset... baby seems fine but I’m scared there is some underlying issues this may have caused.

Do you think they would have let you out of the hospital if they thought anything was wrong? My experience of hospitals is that they are very cautious when it comes to babies, much more so than adults.

15-06-20, 22:42
I’m sure she’s fine, they’re quite squishy at this age.

In my experience, you need to make changes now - so start changing on the bed or floor instead of high up. Or create more of a barrier around the table.

I do understand. I remember the first time mine rolled off the bed. It’s so scary.

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15-06-20, 23:06
I'm so sorry this happened. I assure you it was most traumatic for you, not the baby! The ER doctors are trained to know exactly what to look for and the symptoms of a serious head injury are very obvious - vomiting, losing consciousness, being lethargic. But, if this is your first child, welcome to the wonderful world of your children taking years and years off your life! When my daughter was 2 she slipped and rolled down 14 stairs. She's 6 now and it still chills me to my bones just thinking about it! And, she was totally fine! She sat up and asked where her banana chips were (because they spilled when she fell).

15-06-20, 23:21
Ouch! While its scary and very unpleasant, things like that happen. Its part of childhood. When my two were little, they had some nasty falls. My son once face planted the sidewalk and had a black eye and bump/bruise on his head and my daughter somehow dislocated her elbow! They both recovered just fine. Glad your little one is Ok.

Positive thoughts

16-06-20, 16:38
Thank you everyone for your support and encouraging words, it has really helped me tremendously. I am still struggling however, she has a follow-up appointment today. Yesterday I kept a close watch on her and she seems to be doing fine, nothing out of the ordinary. I have been watching her like a hawk. Yet, I am still struggling internally with anxiety and some loss of motivation. I just keep looking at the changing station and imagine her falling down and how painful and scary it must have felt for her.. :( I am comparing the height of the dresser to everything else in the house. I am trying to talk to my husband about it and express how frustrated I am that he would even allow this to happen.. I think he is getting annoyed with me. He keeps saying she is fine and that I am overthinking it. But I am her mother and just 7 months ago we were one. I am starting to resent him for it. I dont know how I could live with him if something had seriously happened to our daughter. I may be going down a rabbit hole here but I just love her so much, she is EVERYTHING to me.

16-06-20, 17:54
Remember, the anxiety is always WORSE the couple days AFTER the shocking incident because your body is trying to process through those stress chemicals that accumulated.

Also, your husband feels like $hit. Everyone feels like a bad parent when accidents happen that you couldn't prevent. While you have a right to feel angry and annoyed, you're going to have to accept that he didn't do it on purpose. I'm sure both of you are sleep deprived, as most new parents are, and that's only adding to this stress. You're going to have to give your husband a break here. He needs your support, not your condemnation. You two are a team.

What you need is a break. Is there anyone you can call to come babysit so that maybe you could take a nap or have a hot bath? I'm sure both you and your husband could use an hour or two of me-time.

17-06-20, 09:20
Believe me this wont be the first fall she has. Wait till she is walking. Part of growing up, I now know why my parents went grey not long after they had me 😂This could very easily have happened under your watch so cut your husband some slack, there is a difference between and accident and neglect. I can assure you he will have beaten himself up over it. All you will achieve is upsetting yourself more and spoiling what should be a lovely time.

I used to use a changing table and looking back I stopped using it after I nearly had a similar incident. You get so used to them staying still that when they start to want to move it comes as a surprise.

Trust me ER know what to look for and they have sent you home. Take comfort in that.

17-06-20, 15:58
I know it must be so hard to not feel anger and resentment toward your husband, but I am sure he is really punishing himself, too.

When my daughter was born we lived in a small apartment and didn't have room for a changing table, so I had a changing station that I could just bring where I was and I changed her on the floor. So, if you're worried about using the changing table that might be a good idea! I bought a cute little bin from Target and put in one of the little folding changing mats that you're bring out with you in the diaper bag, diapers, wipes, cream, and hand sanitizer.