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02-02-05, 14:13
has anyone got any experience or good information on this medication? i think that i have spelt it right

02-02-05, 14:26

I have not personally heard of it but there are loads of websites on Google about it. Probably no point me listing them here cos you can look them up yourself.

Are you being prescribed it?


02-02-05, 14:29
no, my dad has been on it for about 25years and i wouldnt recommend it to anyone who was offered it.

02-02-05, 14:40

I thinks thats a very generalistic comment. What about it do you not like ?

This isn't a commonly prescribed drug and if your Dad is having trouble with it after this long, it may be time for a change .

I do hope that having been on it for 25 years it has done what it says on the tin or presumably he would have asked to have it swapped much earlier.

There are many newer meds now on the market that were just not available when he started on this one.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

03-02-05, 12:53
what i dont like about it is that after being prescribed the medication he went from a very athletic person ( playing semi-professional ) to someone who sleeps more of the day than he is awake. He sits like a zombie, says nothing, does nothing. And after a long time of research i found that it shouldnt be prescribed for anxiety alone( my reason for saying people shouldnt take this compared to other medication ) Also after asking a trusted GP he said that ' the withdrawl symptoms can be similar to that of coming off heroin' . I brought this topic up to say what i said because it has wrecked our family and his marriage due to the huge change. Im not blaming the medication entirely but it has been a substantial factor.

03-02-05, 15:25
I can completely understand your reasons and you're right in that its not a common drug used for anxiety alone, its usually used now for people with more complex illness than anxiety.

There are many more specific drugs available now than 25 years ago.

Would your Dad be open to seeing his doctor and asking to be try to switched with careful monitoring to one that may not have these profound sideeffects and should give him a better quality of life ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

03-02-05, 15:57
i doubt it, he doesnt talk to anyone at all and i think that underneath he is way to scarred because of the amount of time he has been on it.
I opened this thread solely to make people aware how potent it is and i have got a few friends who still today have been offered it. They are tranquilisers/anti-psycotics i think