View Full Version : Cold feet, bluish tinge, anxiety or...

16-06-20, 15:40
Hi all. I'm 39 and looking for some advice. Just after lockdown started, I developed very cold feet. I have had issues for many years, which I suspect is Raynauds, but have never had blueness in my toes before. I spoke to an out of hours doctor who advised wearing double socks and suspected I may have iron deficiency or possibly connective tissue issues. I have had this in the past several times, but haven't had bloods in 2 years, so unsure if this may be the case again.

Anyway I was told to see my GP when things go back to normal. Months later and GP's still aren't taking normal appointments and although there are days when my feet feel almost normal, I have since developed other symptoms. At times my feet feel very hot and have an obvious redness to them. In the winter I seem to get chilblains but they disappeared a couple of months back. I also have achey limbs (almost like I have been to the gym).

Prior to lockdown I had a regular schedule of going to the gym 3 times a week. In lockdown I have unfortunately put on weight and exercise has been lacking! I initially thought it may be lack of movement causing issues, but I'm not so sure. I'm waiting for a call back from a GP again to see if they can shed any light months on.

I had gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy 3 years ago, so worry diabetes may be a possibility, or obviously there are other more awful possibilities, but wondered if anyone else has these issues and found it was nothing sinister? I've given it a few months now, but getting more and more concerned that it hasn't rectified itself.

I've come to realise I do suffer Health Anxiety but have been doing well for a while now. Lockdown has indeed magnified things so am well aware this could be some form of anxiety rearing it's ugly head but then again I can actually see changes :(

16-06-20, 15:48
Hi all. I'm 39 and looking for some advice. Just after lockdown started, I developed very cold feet. I have had issues for many years, which I suspect is Raynauds, but have never had blueness in my toes before. I spoke to an out of hours doctor who advised wearing double socks and suspected I may have iron deficiency or possibly connective tissue issues. I have had this in the past several times, but haven't had bloods in 2 years, so unsure if this may be the case again.

Anyway I was told to see my GP when things go back to normal. Months later and GP's still aren't taking normal appointments and although there are days when my feet feel almost normal, I have since developed other symptoms. At times my feet feel very hot and have an obvious redness to them. In the winter I seem to get chilblains but they disappeared a couple of months back. I also have achey limbs (almost like I have been to the gym).

Prior to lockdown I had a regular schedule of going to the gym 3 times a week. In lockdown I have unfortunately put on weight and exercise has been lacking! I initially thought it may be lack of movement causing issues, but I'm not so sure. I'm waiting for a call back from a GP again to see if they can shed any light months on.

I had gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy 3 years ago, so worry diabetes may be a possibility, or obviously there are other more awful possibilities, but wondered if anyone else has these issues and found it was nothing sinister? I've given it a few months now, but getting more and more concerned that it hasn't rectified itself.

I've come to realise I do suffer Health Anxiety but have been doing well for a while now. Lockdown has indeed magnified things so am well aware this could be some form of anxiety rearing it's ugly head but then again I can actually see changes :(

I have very similar issues which have gotten substantially worse during lockdown. Same as you, some days I’m relatively normal. I have recently had a test for peripheral artery disease and everything was normal. I do notice that if I go for a 20min or so walk, my feet remain warm for the rest of the day Other odd thing is that eating helps me.

My toes and soles turn a purple/black Color. If I rub my hands over my toes, the color goes away but soon comes back.

Are you sitting much more than normal ?

16-06-20, 16:07
Thank you for your reply :) Yes I am definitely sitting more than usual. I have been trying to use the exercise bike a bit more and go out for walks but struggling to find time with the kids around all the time. Peripheral artery disease did cross my mind too which is yet another concern!
I have always had colder feet and I used to joke about having poor circulation but they never caused issues like this before.

16-06-20, 16:16
Thank you for your reply :) Yes I am definitely sitting more than usual. I have been trying to use the exercise bike a bit more and go out for walks but struggling to find time with the kids around all the time. Peripheral artery disease did cross my mind too which is yet another concern!
I have always had colder feet and I used to joke about having poor circulation but they never caused issues like this before.

Mine are definitely colder when under extreme stress/anxiety!

16-06-20, 16:53
Yes think I am getting more anxious as the days go on!
Spoke to my GP, who has agreed to see me tomorrow and take bloods. He said it is likely iron deficiency as my bloods 2 years ago showed an iron level of 15. He said usually they need a level to be under 5 but he said anything under 50 can cause problems. He did say it could be artery issues but thought it unlikely giving my age and the fact I don't smoke.

16-06-20, 18:52
Yes think I am getting more anxious as the days go on!
Spoke to my GP, who has agreed to see me tomorrow and take bloods. He said it is likely iron deficiency as my bloods 2 years ago showed an iron level of 15. He said usually they need a level to be under 5 but he said anything under 50 can cause problems. He did say it could be artery issues but thought it unlikely giving my age and the fact I don't smoke.

Definitely let me know how you make out!

17-06-20, 16:03
Mine are definitely colder when under extreme stress/anxiety!

Definitely let me know how you make out!

GP thinks I have classic Raynauds but he also thinks I have iron deficiency. He has ordered lots of blood tests, FBC, CRP, TFTs, B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium and also Celiac test. He said the results should be back quickly. He has started me on Amlodopine for the Raynauds and I have to wait for he blood results to see what else I may need. Hoping it is something that can be rectified easily.

17-06-20, 23:30
GP thinks I have classic Raynauds but he also thinks I have iron deficiency. He has ordered lots of blood tests, FBC, CRP, TFTs, B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium and also Celiac test. He said the results should be back quickly. He has started me on Amlodopine for the Raynauds and I have to wait for he blood results to see what else I may need. Hoping it is something that can be rectified easily.

Thanks! Let me know how the amlodopine works out. I said no to it so far