View Full Version : Something I need to talk about *Trigger Warning*

16-06-20, 21:35
I have spoken about this a few times before on NMP, but I've just seen a video that triggered me...

I'm talking about how animals are used for meat. I can't take it. The video I saw was non-graphic, yet at the same time extremely disturbing. It was a cow having a panic attack before being slaughtered behind a closed door. It was panicking, with nowhere to go or turn, in a narrow walkway. Shaking for its life.

Recently I've been having dreams where I've been in really hopeless situations... something really bad happens that changes my life for the worst, or like the world is ending. The best part of those dreams is obviously waking up, and the relief that I get from that, knowing everything is actually alright, and I have a family who love me with a roof over my head... but that cow? That hopelessness is a reality. That poor thing had to walk to its death. Imagine the terror.

I don't really know why I'm writing this, I just had to get it out of my system, it just makes me so ANGRY that this is the way that the world is. These living, breathing, sentient, beautiful animals are one day just casually collected and driven away to a slaughterhouse... how do people who work in a slaughterhouse do it?

How do I deal with this? How do I get on with my life knowing that this is what's happening... animals with no voice are facing this every second and it just keeps happening? I find myself thinking about it briefly very often but then I have to stop myself because it's so painful. It's soul crushing... watching that video made me want to die so I didn't have to deal with the reality of our every day life

I'm not vegan, but I only eat chicken and fish. I stopped eating beef, pork, lamb like 9 months ago? It's getting to the point where I feel bad whenever I eat even chicken so I think I'm going to start avoiding that from now on

I don't even have a question here, I just had to let this all out, and I know that there's nothing anyone can do to stop this. No amount of activism, volunteering or even veganism will change this horrific truth... at least not while there's money to be made in the meat industry.

But it's torturing my soul just thinking about it, I can't even imagine how hardcore activists cope

16-06-20, 23:45
I'm currently trying to sleep but I can't stop thinking about this :(

17-06-20, 00:11
No, I agree with you. It's without a doubt the worst acts of animal cruelty we are capable of. On top of that, it causes pollution!

17-06-20, 02:16
Guys, we have to eat right? I mean every living thing on the planet other than plants has to eat another living thing to survive. It's nature's way. It's pretty wild though when you think about it. I was just saying to my brother the other day how every living thing on the planet eats other living things to survive. We humans are just part of the food chain. Believe me there are plenty of humans that get eaten every year too.

17-06-20, 09:31
Guys, we have to eat right? I mean every living thing on the planet other than plants has to eat another living thing to survive. It's nature's way. It's pretty wild though when you think about it. I was just saying to my brother the other day how every living thing on the planet eats other living things to survive. We humans are just part of the food chain. Believe me there are plenty of humans that get eaten every year too.

But it's not necessary to eat meat, we can survive without it. :(

Animals hunt because they have to.

17-06-20, 09:31
No, I agree with you. It's without a doubt the worst acts of animal cruelty we are capable of. On top of that, it causes pollution!

I don't know how people who work in the meat industry do it.

17-06-20, 10:06
But it's not necessary to eat meat, we can survive without it. :(

Animals hunt because they have to.

Yeah but I think we're designed to eat meat. I mean we're meat eaters. Actually probably omnivores. Plus many people with digestive issues actually do better with meat. And to be honest with you even if you only eat plants you're still killing a living thing. I don't hunt. But I don't have anything against hunters so long as they eat what they kill. I don't understand trophy hunting. Be heartened though many animals live very long lives. I was watching a nature show recently about the bowhead whale. It said they've recently discovered the bowhead can live for 200 years or more. The narrator said that one your looking at now was probably a calf when Thomas Jefferson was president of the United States. He was our third president serving in 1801.

17-06-20, 14:18
I understand how you feel, because I feel exactly the same about physical abuse of children, which is an issue that I feel is greatly overlooked by the media in this country, unless it's of a sexual nature of course. And especially with our society's perpetual hatred of children in general and the 'thrashings never did my generation any harm' brigade forever sticking their oar in.

And my suggestion is stop watching such videos as dare I say it, you're not responsible for the fate of those poor helpless animals, plus maybe you could consider becoming a Vegetarian/Vegan if you feel so strongly and guilty about such barbaric treatment of animals, but that's your choice of course.

17-06-20, 14:57
Yeah but I think we're designed to eat meat. I mean we're meat eaters. Actually probably omnivores.

Our teeth suggest that we've evolved to be omnivorous.

To Toby2000; I once asked a friend why he became a vegetarian, expecting it to be just a typical lifestyle choice. Oh no, it was due to some halfwit taking him round a slaughterhouse when he was seven! He was so traumatised he never ate meat again. He's not a full-on vegan (I know two 'ethical' vegans and a few 'fashion' vegans) but he will refuse anything cross-contaminated with animal fats during cooking and won't eat anything with gelatin or rennet in it, or prepared with animal fats.

My late father used to help out at a butchers in his spare time and one day asked me if I could re-insulate a pair of tongs used for stunning animals; not having access to a heat gun to shrink the sleeving I took them into work. A colleague - an animal rights activist - saw what I was doing. The atmosphere took a turn for the worse, shall we say.

17-06-20, 15:16
I understand how you feel, because I feel exactly the same about physical abuse of children, which is an issue that I feel is greatly overlooked by the media in this country, unless it's of a sexual nature of course. And especially with our society's perpetual hatred of children in general and the 'thrashings never did my generation any harm' brigade forever sticking their oar in.

And my suggestion is stop watching such videos as dare I say it, you're not responsible for the fate of those poor helpless animals, plus maybe you could consider becoming a Vegetarian/Vegan if you feel so strongly and guilty about such barbaric treatment of animals, but that's your choice of course.

I have no idea why, but I find myself getting more upset when it comes to animal abuse etc. than I do with child abuse, though obviously the latter is still horrible. I think it's because the animals have no voice, no say and are just so innocent.

I know. Sometimes I just get the urge to watch them, almost like my mind knows what triggers me. I have been resisting though, since last night. It's just a horrible reality that is ignored by most people because the truth is heartbreaking

17-06-20, 15:19
Our teeth suggest that we've evolved to be omnivorous.

To Toby2000; I once asked a friend why he became a vegetarian, expecting it to be just a typical lifestyle choice. Oh no, it was due to some halfwit taking him round a slaughterhouse when he was seven! He was so traumatised he never ate meat again. He's not a full-on vegan (I know two 'ethical' vegans and a few 'fashion' vegans) but he will refuse anything cross-contaminated with animal fats during cooking and won't eat anything with gelatin or rennet in it, or prepared with animal fats.

My late father used to help out at a butchers in his spare time and one day asked me if I could re-insulate a pair of tongs used for stunning animals; not having access to a heat gun to shrink the sleeving I took them into work. A colleague - an animal rights activist - saw what I was doing. The atmosphere took a turn for the worse, shall we say.

Oh god, that must have been horrific for him. Like I say, I don't know how people who work in slaughterhouses can do it. Like, if I even see a picture from inside one, I start crying

I'm not vegetarian or vegan but I'm almost vegetarian because I barely eat meat anymore

17-06-20, 15:20
Yeah but I think we're designed to eat meat. I mean we're meat eaters. Actually probably omnivores. Plus many people with digestive issues actually do better with meat. And to be honest with you even if you only eat plants you're still killing a living thing. I don't hunt. But I don't have anything against hunters so long as they eat what they kill. I don't understand trophy hunting. Be heartened though many animals live very long lives. I was watching a nature show recently about the bowhead whale. It said they've recently discovered the bowhead can live for 200 years or more. The narrator said that one your looking at now was probably a calf when Thomas Jefferson was president of the United States. He was our third president serving in 1801.

That's a nice fact... I know there's a tortoise who is something like 500 years old?

I just hope that farm animals at least have nice lives before they involuntarily sacrifice it for us

17-06-20, 15:47
I have no idea why, but I find myself getting more upset when it comes to animal abuse etc. than I do with child abuse, though obviously the latter is still horrible. I think it's because the animals have no voice, no say and are just so innocent.

I know. Sometimes I just get the urge to watch them, almost like my mind knows what triggers me. I have been resisting though, since last night. It's just a horrible reality that is ignored by most people because the truth is heartbreaking

I understand what you're saying, Toby, but not all children have a voice, especially those who are unable to talk or communicate properly, e. g, babies, toddlers and of course, children with certain disabilities. And sadly many adults still continue to have the 'children should be seen and not heard' mentality, especially certain factions of the older generation.

I don't mean to be judgemental nor patronising, but your frequent viewing of such videos, dare I say it, sounds a little like morbid OCD to me.

17-06-20, 17:49
Even though we have evolved to eat meat, I think it's still valid to be horrified by the industrialized meat industry. Animals hunted and killed for food of course are still being sacrificed for us to eat, but I think it's the level of cruelty that makes the current meat industry harder to accept for some.

I don't honestly know what the solution is because without the industrialization of the food industry many, many more people would go hungry. At the same time, there must be a better way.

17-06-20, 21:45
Well I don't know that we've evolved to eat meat I think humans have always eaten meat. But have you ever seen the seemingly cruelness of nature? The way most animals die is very ugly. Whether it be from being preyed upon or just getting old. Nature is brutal. Many animals get eaten alive by other animals. I don't know that that is any less cruel than a beef or poultry farm. Death isn't pretty in any form. But everything has to eat. It's nature's way.


18-06-20, 16:53
I understand what you're saying, Toby, but not all children have a voice, especially those who are unable to talk or communicate properly, e. g, babies, toddlers and of course, children with certain disabilities. And sadly many adults still continue to have the 'children should be seen and not heard' mentality, especially certain factions of the older generation.

I don't mean to be judgemental nor patronising, but your frequent viewing of such videos, dare I say it, sounds a little like morbid OCD to me.

That's true... I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't care about the suffering of children, but I mean at least they aren't systematically killed for food. That's the bit that's really getting to me

and I think it's OCD too... it was the same with my cancer worries, I always used to force myself to google the worst scenario cases and it was pure hell.

18-06-20, 19:00
Even though we have evolved to eat meat, I think it's still valid to be horrified by the industrialized meat industry. Animals hunted and killed for food of course are still being sacrificed for us to eat, but I think it's the level of cruelty that makes the current meat industry harder to accept for some.

I don't honestly know what the solution is because without the industrialization of the food industry many, many more people would go hungry. At the same time, there must be a better way.

Agreed, there must & should be a better way :(

It's just tragic & not fair on the animals

18-06-20, 19:02
Well I don't know that we've evolved to eat meat I think humans have always eaten meat. But have you ever seen the seemingly cruelness of nature? The way most animals die is very ugly. Whether it be from being preyed upon or just getting old. Nature is brutal. Many animals get eaten alive by other animals. I don't know that that is any less cruel than a beef or poultry farm. Death isn't pretty in any form. But everything has to eat. It's nature's way.


I know, but I mean we don't have to eat meat.

But you're right, sadly it's just something that will continue

18-06-20, 20:32
I know, but I mean we don't have to eat meat.

But you're right, sadly it's just something that will continue

Hey Toby!
It’s a personal choice on whether you should eat meat or not. You don’t have to. I think it’s great that you’re looking into this and making choices for yourself.
The world will mostly carry on regardless, but that doesn’t mean you should be disheartened, you can still make your voice heard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-06-20, 05:01
I feel the exact same way Toby. I can't handle even thinking about it

20-06-20, 13:16
I am also the same - been vegetarian for 20 plus years now and in latter years many days vegan. I feel disturbed by the thought of animals at slaughter houses and I am not anti-meat eaters, but the clinical process of this shrink wrapped meat product in the supermarket doesn't represent what has occurred before it arrived there. Free range, long life and humane/responsible euthanasia are not factors I feel I can guarantee in what I am buying, so I don't buy it.