View Full Version : 4th day of coughing up blood

17-06-20, 10:17
I'm going out of my mind with worry.. I've had a slight chesty cough for about 3 weeks now, nothing too bad! I've had worse before but for the past 4 days I've had blood mixed with the mucous when I cough it up.. It's not much but I can't handle seeing it. I took myself to A&E when I first saw it, they gave me an x-ray and took bloods, both came back clear. I don't know what else I can do. I can't eat, can't sleep and I'm 8 weeks pregnant. I'm so scared!

17-06-20, 12:50
That must be horrible, but just remember that you’ve had the all clear from ER.
You’ve probably just got a bit inflamed from the coughing and that’s why you are getting the blood. It’ll clear up I’m sure.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Your baby will be very well protected in there, so don’t worry about that side of it x

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17-06-20, 13:01
It's quite common for this to happen with a prolonged cough, it's just caused by constant irritation.

If you've been given the all clear, you have nothing to worry about. There's nothing else you need to do, you'll be fine.