View Full Version : Not happy with recent stools

18-06-20, 14:51
Hi all. I hope someone can help. I know nobody has the specific answer for me, but if anyone can at least relate to my experiences it will calm me down. I’m male, 52 and have GAD which has manifested itself in Health Anxiety for 3 years non-stop. My stomach always takes a hit during episodes of anxiety.

I‘ve been very stressed lately and have had loose stools for about 9 days now...not diarrhoea, but they are a 6 on the Bristol Stool scale and can either be fluffy pieces or can be a paste. Last week they were light in colour (initially a beige maybe, then a tan)...they are now brown. I have noticed when they are more formed (not a paste) they tend to be flat on one side.

I’m pretty convinced I have IBS or just high anxiety as I have had this all before...maybe a year ago. The problem is I never keep a diary of how long these things last.

I’m reluctant to go to the doctor (because of COVID) and I know it will be the start of maybe 4-6 months of tests and results and their associated stress and worry. I have had this before, but can’t seem to think straight at the moment and so am looking for anyone who has had loose stools/flat stools for over a week whilst feeling high-anxiety.

Bless you.

18-06-20, 20:38
I’ve definitely had changes whilst on anxiety. I don’t count days or look at the Bristol chart though.
Maybe try and introduce a bit more fibre, and stop checking them for a couple of days.

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18-06-20, 21:34
Hiya, this can happen in times of stress because the transit time through the digestive system is sped up, hence lighter stools.
If you think you have IBS, I recommend a gluten free diet as wheat can cause inflammation in many with this condition. It may not change the colour (due to transit time) but should change the consistency.

Mine (stools) have been very consistent since I've been g/f (about 10 months now) :)

18-06-20, 21:46
I’ve definitely had changes whilst on anxiety. I don’t count days or look at the Bristol chart though.
Maybe try and introduce a bit more fibre, and stop checking them for a couple of days.

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Thanks so much for taking the time out to reply. I’ve been here before if I’m honest...but when my anxiety is so high all logic goes out of the window and I can’t even remember the details of previous episodes....it’s almost as if my anxiety is blocking rational thinking which is pretty much why I posted this. I will try not to check tomorrow...I think any disappointment just fuels the anxiety?

18-06-20, 21:52
Hiya, this can happen in times of stress because the transit time through the digestive system is sped up, hence lighter stools.
If you think you have IBS, I recommend a gluten free diet as wheat can cause inflammation in many with this condition. It may not change the colour (due to transit time) but should change the consistency.

Mine (stools) have been very consistent since I've been g/f (about 10 months now) :)
Thanks so much for replying. I know the brain gut connection is so strong...it’s trying to break that connection that is so hard. I used to have OCD (health anxiety is just another outlet for OCD anyway) and it affected me so much that I couldn’t drive or walk anywhere without me thinking I had caused an accident. That in turn forced me to repeatedly check my route...the compulsion to go back and check was so strong. I think this is the same thing really. I need to be strong like I was with my OCD and not check...so difficult, but I shall try. I will also look at my diet (which is terrible anyway!) and make some adjustments. So much thanks to you!

18-06-20, 22:33
Colour is changed by the increased transit time and also what we eat. I tend to experience more red/orange colours because I eat a lot of tomato based foods, Mr Midnight however who really enjoys potato and light coloured foods has had very light stools in the past.

When it comes to consistency and shape of stools, IBS again causes things to move along much quicker hence things being softer. Also I’ve always theorised that because of the stronger movement of the gut (I get a lot of cramps and gas when I’m stressed, or my diet is poor) that can change the shape of the stool, especially when it’s on the softer side. The hypothesis that a flattened stool is sinister has actually been disputed many times anyway so I wouldn’t base my concerns on it.

My IBS flares when I’m more stressed but what you’re experiencing at the moment is more like my baseline so I can’t offer any insight into how long this can last as mine never ends! However when I annoy my gut with my diet and stress it can be a good couple of weeks before things completely return to my normal.

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22-06-20, 19:06
With my IBS I am all over the place with color, shape, loose,soft, watery, normal, I take a probiotic, and notice when I dont get enough fiber it tends to be five or six on the chart