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21-06-20, 08:53
I’m on Day 9 of citalopram, been awake all night just cannot relax shaking from head to foot, feel like my brain is in a cement mixer, every time i shut my eyes i jolt awake, can’t talk to husband about it he doesn’t understand, my mind won’t settle on a positive thought, i don’t want to be like this anymore why can’t i be relaxed & happy & calm. I never look forward to anything other than with fear & dread. Been on citalopram several times but can’t remember how long it took to feel calmer again. I don’t want another day ruined must calm down but how.

21-06-20, 09:39
I think it might be time to have a chat to your GP?

21-06-20, 17:24
I know from experience when I started antidepressants, it took at least three weeks for me to get rid of that awful churning anxiety. In fact I remember being so anxious at night that it felt like I had sleep paralysis. I was a hot mess. It should settle down within the next two weeks. My doc prescribed some Xanax to help carry me through.

21-06-20, 18:15
I know from experience when I started antidepressants, it took at least three weeks for me to get rid of that awful churning anxiety. In fact I remember being so anxious at night that it felt like I had sleep paralysis. I was a hot mess. It should settle down within the next two weeks. My doc prescribed some Xanax to help carry me through.

Thank you Blue Iris & Scaredtoo. I’m feeling a little better now as is often the case for me later on in the day.