View Full Version : vertigo or something?

23-10-07, 00:14
for the past few weeks ive been feeling dizzy at random moments and i think hey its just anxiety
but there is pressure in my ears
and today i feel like i almost passed out because everything started to spin
can this just be symptoms of anxiety?
will these episodes of dizziness get worse than the first one..

i'm just really afraid
and my parents are sick of taking me to the doctor because i have so many health concerns and i'm usually wrong.
so i don't know what to doo..
im scared =[

23-10-07, 04:31
Hi there,

I wouldn't worry too much about it, as dizziness is a VERY common symptom of anxiety. I was dizzy for weeks at the height of my anxiety, and I also got the spinning feeling sometimes, especially in the morning. I also get that if I get up too fast from lying down, but I think everyone does. As for the pressure, I had that as well along with the dizziness. Turns out I had a bit of fluid in my ears, for which I was prescribed Nasonex. That seemed to clear things up, but then I felt intense pressure inside my head. I had myself convinced it was a tumor or aneurysm or something, but then it went away on its own as my anxiety got a little better. Goes to show you that anxiety can cause a lot of very real and scary symptoms. Keep an eye on your symptoms and go to the doc if it goes on too long, but try not to worry too much about it!

Take care,

aurora :flowers: