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View Full Version : I Lost A Friendship Over COVID-19

23-06-20, 02:33
So yesterday I got into an argument with a friend over COVID-19. My friend thinks that it’s a hoax and that it isn’t serious.

Then he insulted me for wearing a mask, stating that if I was so scared that I had to wear a mask then I shouldn’t do anything or go anywhere. This implies that I wear a mask because I am a scaredy-cat.

also he said some other crazy things like:

”“Old people have a bad quality of life so if they die, it will be doing them a favor”
“COVID-19 is overblown, you can die from anything”
“If it’s my time, it’s my time”
“The US is the only one telling the truth COVID-19. Other counties are just lying about it”

Suffice it to say I don’t think I will continue being this person’s friend anymore.

23-06-20, 03:08
Sorry to hear this. I think you made the right decision.

23-06-20, 03:27
Ugh. I'm so sorry. But, I think you're clearly better off without this person (even though I know it's always hard to lose a friend)!

What state are you in? I feel so badly for people in states where it's "wimpy" to wear masks. Just f*&#ing ridiculous. I'm in Maryland and no one judges you for wearing a mask here, thank goodness. And, guess what, our numbers are still going down!!

The fact that a pandemic and reasonable health guidelines has become a political issue reflects so, so sadly on our country right now.

23-06-20, 03:51
Ugh. I'm so sorry. But, I think you're clearly better off without this person (even though I know it's always hard to lose a friend)!

What state are you in? I feel so badly for people in states where it's "wimpy" to wear masks. Just f*&#ing ridiculous. I'm in Maryland and no one judges you for wearing a mask here, thank goodness. And, guess what, our numbers are still going down!!

The fact that a pandemic and reasonable health guidelines has become a political issue reflects so, so sadly on our country right now.

I live in Georgia which is one of the worst affected states.

23-06-20, 09:59
It's all the more awkward when you get this treatment from your family members, trust me. I found the easiest way to deal with this is either to declare the subject off-limits or just agree to disagree.

What intrigues me is that there seems to be a political divide on this as well; the more libertarian see things in the way your friend does.

23-06-20, 10:08
I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I honestly don't think you need a friend like this in your life.

23-06-20, 21:03
I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I honestly don't think you need a friend like this in your life.

True. I have cut him off. I don’t take well to be insulted like that especially when science backs up what I said.

I’m getting mad just thinking about it

25-06-20, 21:18
It's all the more awkward when you get this treatment from your family members, trust me. I found the easiest way to deal with this is either to declare the subject off-limits or just agree to disagree.

What intrigues me is that there seems to be a political divide on this as well; the more libertarian see things in the way your friend does.

It's so absurd how this has become so political. Is it like that in the UK, too? I'm a libertarian and I'm humiliated by the "freedom" crowd right now and by my country in general. I value freedom and individual liberty so much. I was a delegate to the libertarian convention in 2012 (to nominate their presidential candidate), but the behavior of some is just so absurd. I like to think it's more the Trump populists/conservatives than true libertarians, but I'm sure there are plenty of my libertarian brethren who are all, "don't tell me what to do, wah wah wah".