View Full Version : Enlarged nodes in neck

23-06-20, 22:08
Today, by pure accident, I managed to feel enlarged nodes on the side of the neck. In an instant I was in a full panic mode as node was painless and hard, wasn't sure it was movable or not.

I went to doc the same day to do the ultrasound. It is actually a cluster of 3 nodes that are a bit enlarged. Two are 6.5mm and one is 5.8mm.

Doc said that there is nothing to worry about as he would recognize by the structure of them if they were malignant. He felt them, said they were movable and he is not sure how long I have them, might be days might be years and they might stay like that, depending on how long I have them.

He did reassure me, but there is always that lingering feeling that maybe it is not possible to see if they are benign on ultrasound and I don't want to Google as I am positive I fell find some cases of people diagnosed with cancer with normal ultrasound.

What scares me is that they are in clusters in still around 6mm. From what I know previously from reading is that when you have cluster of 3 nodes the "size" is reduced and even above 4mm is considered potentially malignant.

23-06-20, 23:20
We're talking millimetres. I had two 5+CM cancerous nodes removed from my neck along with 23 others. I didn't have to "manage" to feel them purely by accident as they were clearly visible. I would have given my left arm to have a doctor tell me what you were told.

Positive thoughts

24-06-20, 12:55
Thank you for the response.

I did CBC and CRP and all ok, so they are not caused by infection.

Must be some previous infection that left them enlarged.

24-06-20, 15:28
Here is the image if someone knows to read ultrasound scan


29-06-20, 10:32
Ultrasound looks fine! Small nodes, bean shaped, obvious hilum. Nothing to worry about. Probably caused by some past or present infection.

29-06-20, 13:57
Thank you `O_O`. Since then, I've noticed another one below my chin. Didn't schedule ultrasound for that one, still managing to hold fine. Although if panic mode kicks in I will probably start spending money on ultrasound/hematologist.

Never had a fear of lymphoma before, and now here it is. Since my CRP is normal, the only possible option (aside from it being nothing) is NHL as the Hodginks one presents with high CRP usually. Google ftw

29-06-20, 21:31
Thank you `O_O`. Since then, I've noticed another one below my chin. Didn't schedule ultrasound for that one, still managing to hold fine. Although if panic mode kicks in I will probably start spending money on ultrasound/hematologist.

Never had a fear of lymphoma before, and now here it is. Since my CRP is normal, the only possible option (aside from it being nothing) is NHL as the Hodginks one presents with high CRP usually. Google ftw

Honestly, please don't worry. I'd bet money on it being nothing.

I had a bunch of nodes come up on my neck, five at least, much bigger than yours, visibly protruding from the skin, that stuck around for four months (in fact, they're still just about palpable now), AND one of them looked dodgy on ultrasound, unlike yours which look fine.

I still didn't have lymphoma. Turned out to be toxoplasmosis.