View Full Version : Anxiety cures at a Cost!

23-10-07, 01:42
This subject gets me very hot under the collar!:mad:

I've read another post on this subject just now so I need to vent!

Those who have read my posts will know what I've been through but I have Never paid for any "miracle cures" or private treatments and yet I've learnt to cope for myself from knowledge I've gained from various "free" sources such as this marvellous website!

It makes me Really angry when people, so-called experts or ex-sufferers, attempt to profit from others suffering.:mad:

These so-called experts may have knowledge but have never experienced the effects of anxiety themselves.

Ex-sufferers often make a profit from the therapies that were given them, often freely! And not everyone suffers in the same way!

If people Really want to help then they should follow Nicolas example and offer all the advice that's needed to cope with anxiety "Freely". The practical work can be done by a sufferer or with a therapist.

There is Absolutely No reason why Anyone should have to pay for information that is freely available.

If I can learn to cope without paying these people, I'm SURE others can too because I'm Absolutely NO different and have been through many of the things people post on here.

I'm sorry but it Really Does get to me when people try to profit from suffering. :mad:

23-10-07, 09:41
Hi Bill, well I think you make a very valid point there. There are way too many people out there just waiting to take our money and they so often don't understand anxiety.

I know last week I found myself looking into Thought Field Therapy and one of the people who offered this treatment via the phone was charging £250 an hour! For that kind of money I'd expect a cast iron guarantee that I'd be cured as it's just pure extortion.

23-10-07, 18:59
You're quite right Bill.
I'm sorry Lyn had a bad experience seeking TFT - I can report that there are some good guys out there and I was fortunate enough to find someone prepared to give me free phone sessions.
Be kind to yourself

23-10-07, 22:04

The website rules do say...

You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral. Such posts will be subject to removal.

So from now on they will be removed as I do not want to be seen to promoting a website that charges for a cure.

This may sound harsh to some but at the end of the day people remember where they got the link and will remember it came from here and I cannot advocate these paid websites

Hope that helps.