View Full Version : Scared of losing my daughter..

25-06-20, 06:37
Hi, I’ll try to keep this short.

I have an almost 2 year old little girl, and she is the only person, really anything, in life that I care about. I can’t imagine my life without her. That being said this is extremely hard on me.

A few days ago she burnt her feet really really bad (2ND degree burns) on the top and side of the feet, and in between the toes. We took her to ER immediately after it happened and they sent us to another hospital who has burn specialists. They took her into a quick little surgery (she was just sedated to my understanding and wasn’t under general anesthesia) to help the wounds and get some of the skin. 2 days after that she had a surgery under general anesthesia (which was the hardest thing I’ve ever done as a parent.. I felt defeated and like I let my daughter down as she sat there scream crying cause of the medicine). It was about an hour long surgery and it went well they said. We took her home 36 hours after that, and during that night before bed I heard her whining so I went to check and she was as hot as the sun, so I took her back to the ER at 3:30am and they gave her an IV and medicine to bring it down. She was at 105 when she got there. Through out that whole day she was miserable. She seemed out of it entirely, didn’t want to eat any food or even sweets. Didn’t want to play, and just slept.

Now she has another surgery and hopefully the last one tomorrow morning. After seeing her like this I’m terrified the anesthesia is too much for her and it’s gonna... ya know... and I keep freaking out and crying cause I don’t want to lose my baby girl. The doctor said it’s normal the way she’s acting but for me it wasn’t, she seemed so sad and out of it. I’m sacred that 3 surgeries in a week is too much for a 2 year old and it’s gonna take a big toll on her..

Does anyone have any stories related to mine that can help me? I’m terrified and can’t sleep cause I keep crying ..

25-06-20, 07:07
I'm so very sorry. This is a million miles outside my sphere of experience, but I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hoping you and your daughter feel better soon.

25-06-20, 08:13
I really feel for you but can relate to your distress..

My son has born with major life threatening abnormalities and he was also 7 weeks premature. He survived a series of major ops in the first few days of his life and many further surgeries as a baby/toddler. Small children are hugely resilient..your little girl with cope with these procedures but you will find them mentally draining. She won't remember any of this but you will!!

It's entirely normal that she is subdued but she will bounce back very quickly. Please don't let your anxiety get a hold because she is going to need you to help her feel better.

Please let us know how things are and take one step at a time. These doctors are experts and anaesthetists even more so! She will be in very safe hands.

26-06-20, 21:47
Wishing your daughter all the best, and hoping she makes a speedy recovery

positive vibes to you

inanna xx

27-06-20, 00:43
Wishing her a quick recovery, it must be so scary but they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t necessary. She’ll be getting better in no time. Kids are so amazing at just getting on with life & it’s often is who are left traumatised by it all.

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