View Full Version : Insomnia is destroying me

Nico Bellic
28-06-20, 13:08
It’s only been a week of this and I can’t take anymore. Just would to hear some positive thoughts from people or and advice and tips about how to manage this. From what I have read online mine is called Sleep Maintenance Insomnia. I’m going to bed fine sleeping for about 1.5 hours then I will wake up unable to go back to sleep again. It started after a heavy night out with some friends last weekend. I’m conflicted as part of me thinks it’s anxiety but the I read it could be diabetes or even some form of cancers which doesn’t help my health anxiety at all. Hope someone can help or at least talk to me so I don’t feel as alone. Many Thanks

28-06-20, 13:53
It’s only been a week of this and I can’t take anymore. Just would to hear some positive thoughts from people or and advice and tips about how to manage this. From what I have read online mine is called Sleep Maintenance Insomnia. I’m going to bed fine sleeping for about 1.5 hours then I will wake up unable to go back to sleep again. It started after a heavy night out with some friends last weekend. I’m conflicted as part of me thinks it’s anxiety but the I read it could be diabetes or even some form of cancers which doesn’t help my health anxiety at all. Hope someone can help or at least talk to me so I don’t feel as alone. Many Thanks

Then stop reading about those things. Reading about things that don't exist but still worry you won't help you sleep.

Also, it's not 'destroying' you. Try not to use such melodramatic language. You're not getting much sleep and you're tired, is about it.

You'll be fine, just stop 'researching' the fatal disease that you don't have, and don't have any more heavy nights. Heavy nights are terrible for anxiety.

28-06-20, 14:06
Hi insomnia is the pits, I've had in in various forms for over 30 years and am still alive, I don't have diabetes or cancer and I'm not insane (yet)!!

It sounds like yours could be a short term thing that most people get from time to time and that your sleep cycle has been disrupted. Alcohol can do this with some people and eating late at night etc. There are some natural products you can try, that aren't habit forming (ask your chemist).

Worrying about not sleeping is a vicious cycle, as the more you worry the less you sleep and the less you sleep, the more you worry. The stress from anxiety (about not sleeping) is worse than the actual lack of sleep.

My Dr told me that sleep cycles go in blocks of about two hours, we wake and go back to sleep again but don't remember it especially when we're young. As we age we wake up and remember waking up.

I'm sure things will settle down for you and that other people will have some more information and tips. Stay calm.

Nico Bellic
28-06-20, 14:36
My melodramatic language is how I’m feeling, now sleep for a week is wreaking havoc on my life physically and mentally. I’m not worrying about the diseases, I’m more concerned how this is impacting my life and my work.

Nico Bellic
28-06-20, 14:37
Thanks very much for the advice I’m making changes as we speak. Gonna go for a long walk in the rain.

28-06-20, 15:33
My melodramatic language is how I’m feeling, now sleep for a week is wreaking havoc on my life physically and mentally. I’m not worrying about the diseases, I’m more concerned how this is impacting my life and my work.

We all use melodramatic language, but I'm just trying to explain that it's counter productive. You can feel it, sure, but try not to reinforce a feeling as fact with words. It's NOT destroying you.

WiseMonkey is correct though, worrying about it serves no purpose and is counter productive too. Insomnia is common and comes and goes. Try not to dwell on not being able to sleep. When I had bad insomnia I eventually learned that if I couldn't sleep it's best to just get up. You don't want to mentally pollute your bedroom as a battleground between sleep and anxiety. Go there to sleep, and get up if you can't. When you feel tired again, go back to bed.

But yes, exercise will help, and make sure you get a good hit of daylight in the morning as that will keep your sleep cycles regular too. Get out in the sun I even if it's cloudy. Even overcast weather is hundreds of times brighter than indoor light, and will help regulate Vitamin D and your sleep patterns.

And keep an eye on the self talk. You feel shitty, but you're not being destroyed. There are things you can do.

Nico Bellic
28-06-20, 16:40
I’ll try to be more positive with what I’m telling myself, obviously atm I’m convinced this will be here forever but in need to keep saying this to shall pass. Just been for a walk in the wind and rain hope that helped. I’ll keep you posted how I get on tonight. Thanks again

28-06-20, 16:49
It's very common to think that something negative is permanent, but it never is.