View Full Version : Today’s panic attack

01-07-20, 15:06
Today I felt I can’t breathe and I was breathing but was very aware of my mouth being closed and felt a bit freaked out by this.

Past few weeks I have worried I will die of some horrible death. Today I worried it was asthma or something? Can anybody reassure me?

01-07-20, 15:08
Honestly, it sounds as though you're just overthinking things. When I think about my mouth being closed I suddently find it a bit harder to breathe, too.

01-07-20, 15:12
Honestly, it sounds as though you're just overthinking things. When I think about my mouth being closed I suddently find it a bit harder to breathe, too.

Thanks these flare ups are often when I have too much fizzy drinks. And you are correct when I over think things I become more aware. Problem is was out and felt a bit funny and started to over analyse. Sometimes I get images of me having a heart attack which sort of doesn’t help the anxiety to go away. Sure none of these things may never happen but it’s the anxiety again.

01-07-20, 16:29
Which soft drinks do you have? Cola in particular can have quite a lot of caffeine. I had a couple of glasses of Coke Zero today and I really felt it.

It's horrible when you visualise awful things happening, isn't it?

02-07-20, 08:01
You are not gunna cark it Phil maybe the worry over travelling abroad and getting Covid and not wearing a mask is playing on your mind.In through the nose and out through ya mouth you know how.

11-07-20, 22:47
Caffeine definitely makes me anxious and panicky, I avoid it as much as I can now, I'd recommend you do the same