View Full Version : A very strange sensation

02-02-05, 16:59
hello everyone,

Just a quick question really:

I had a very bizzare morning. I got up to go to a class at 09:15 which is very early for me (yes, I know I'm a lazy student[:I]) Just as I was about to leave the house, I experienced these very strange sensation in my head. I suddenly felt very dizzy and felt like I was going to black-out. It only lasted a couple of seconds but it happened about five more times throughout the morning. The weird thing about it is that at no time did I feel panicky. I felt 100% comfortable the whole time. Normally, when I get a physical symptom of anxiety it is because I am feeling panicky. Have any of you experienced this? I am coming off my meds at the moment (cipralex) and wonder whether it could be anything to do witt that...?

By the way, the worst thing about the whole thing is that I got to the classroom and it was dark and no one was there...turns out the class had been cancelled and no one had told me...:(

Sarah :D

02-02-05, 17:15
I used to get these symptoms when I least expected it, usually when I hadn't eaten much. Did you have breakfast before you went this morning?
I think you'll find it's a symptom of anxiety.

take care

Elaine x

02-02-05, 17:17
hi lainey,

Yes, I had eaten and drunk plenty of water. It's just bizarre that I have suffered from anxiety for 18 months and that I haven't experienced this till now...

Sarah :D

02-02-05, 17:24
Hi Sarah

Even though I am feeling better I still get new symptoms, the latest one is a floaty head when I'm in work or out shopping!!

The feelings you describe I always used to get when I was at Sainsbury's even when I wasn't panicky, trouble is it then brings on the panic doesn't it.

Elaine x

02-02-05, 17:32

I think I've had something akin to this too - I've had it a couple of times sitting in a chair and leaning back - I haven't felt like I'm going to black out but I have felt dizzy and very briefly nauseous.. it doesn't last long and writing about it makes it sound worse than it is..

Judging by the other repsonses here it sounds like it's an anxiety symptom - it gets me too when I'm feeling okay! Weird.. I'm not on any meds so it sounds like a good old anxiety side-effect, maybe.

Sorry to hear your class was for nothing - I'm still a part-time student and the getting up for work thing in the mornings is still a struggle for me :D


02-02-05, 18:02
Hi Sarah

I'm not completely sure on this one, but I know that I can sometimes feel very dizzy on a morning if I haven't had much sleep. I used to get it every morning at work :D. So maybe it has something to do with the fact that you were up earlier than usual. I don't think that this is necesarilly an anxiety symptom either.

On another note, I've had a few spells lately at different times of the day, got very dizzy, feeling like I was going to pass out, etc. But I've been checked out and told that I was completely fine. And I'm not sure if this is an anxiety symptom either. These ones came on very quick though, one minute you feel fine, next minute you're shaking, dizzy etc, although I didn't feel panicky either, in fact felt very calm).

I don't know, I guess people get dizzy from time to time from normal bodily processes. Maybe something to do with lack of food, sleep, etc. Or maybe it is anxiety, I don't know. I'm not much help am I :D?

I'm sure you'll be fine though.


02-02-05, 18:35

I have had this too in the past and wasn't feeling anxious atall at the time.

I expect "normal" people get this too and don't think anything of it. We analyse it and wonder if it is something sinister. I don't think it is.

You will be fine and you did well not to let it make you panic.

It could still be your body adjusting to life without the meds.


02-02-05, 18:55
hello all,

Thank you very much for all your replies!! It's nice to know that you all understand what I am talking about..

Sarah :D