View Full Version : Many symptoms over many weeks

01-07-20, 16:14
So, it’s been a while since I’ve suffered with paranoia about symptoms this intensely. I am a 27 year woman, in the last few weeks I’ve become convinced I have some sort of gynaecological cancer. I’ve had a lump in one private area and that has been ruled out as anything nasty. This further fear has been triggered by feeling an enlarged lymph node on my right side, it’s hard and prominent when I lay down. I’ve had some aches and discomfort in the pelvis and I’ve tried to get the doctors to listen but am being ignored. I feel very lost and terrified that I am going to become a statistic of misdiagnosis.

04-07-20, 19:19
So, it’s been a while since I’ve suffered with paranoia about symptoms this intensely. I am a 27 year woman, in the last few weeks I’ve become convinced I have some sort of gynaecological cancer. I’ve had a lump in one private area and that has been ruled out as anything nasty. This further fear has been triggered by feeling an enlarged lymph node on my right side, it’s hard and prominent when I lay down. I’ve had some aches and discomfort in the pelvis and I’ve tried to get the doctors to listen but am being ignored. I feel very lost and terrified that I am going to become a statistic of misdiagnosis.


I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way. Health anxiety is one tough monster to deal with. A few months ago I’ve been right where you are in terms of worrying over a possible gynaecological cancer and if I learned anything out of that whole ordeal it’s that doctors usually don’t play if you present with worrisome symptoms and would want to make sure it’s nothing sinister. I have a visible lymph node in my neck that’s been there for years - sometimes they swell and don’t go down or maybe that’s just your normal anatomy. Are you sure your pelvis discomfort is not muscular? Muscles tend to ache when we’re anxious.

Have you had a doctor check out all your symptoms? If you feel like your doctors keep ignoring you, then it might be wise to seek a second opinion but when you get the all clear from a second professional you need to do yourself a favour and trust them.