View Full Version : My little brother

05-07-20, 00:53
Hallo everybody,

I am an older sister and panic knows no boundaries. My brother is young, just over thirty. He is a very special person...working with children, gentle and unselfish. He had a hard life, growing up with no dad and as an ADHD child, many adults in his life also failed him. He started smoking with 13. Since a few months he had some problems with chest pain. Of course he has the usual "smokers cough" too. So he went to the docs and I was so thrilled because it takes guts to see a doctor when one is afraid. For some reason, he was very afraid.

They send him for a CT scan and found multiple nodules in his lungs. This is of course not ideal news. There are many factors that could cause these nodules, from not so bad to really bad causes. This is not what I want to get into. What I am contemplating about is how can I support him best when he goes through all the testing? I think it is the waiting that is really challenging. Has anybody some input? All I managed the last days are crying non stop. :sad:

How can I help my little bro through this excruciating time? Its going to be a long road. :weep:

05-07-20, 04:19
I was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of last year, and the waiting between tests and for the operation was the worst part of it for me. This might sound really silly, but to help me get through it.... well.. don't laugh, but I bought a cat. I called him Floki, and he was like my "therapy cat". He took my mind right off it. Now he is a huge part of my family.
Might not be ideal for everyone, but I thought I would put it out there just incase a pet is something you can do. All the best, and remember, you will get through this, your brother will too. One day, it will just be something on his medical record xo.

Here he is, my big funny boy



05-07-20, 11:42
Hallo Snowygreen,

thank you for your answer. It is difficult times, between the tests and not knowing how it will go forward from here. Then he is so young, I think it is a big shock because you don't reckon with such problems at this age...

I love your idea and you have a powerful story. Floki is beautiful! I love cats, but I also am a huge fan of pets. We have a doggy. She helped me through my anxiety and still gives me a lot of support. She is a mixed breed but mostly acts like a Chihuahua, the little Bonnie...so nervous and we really need each other :-)

For my brother this is not an option, because he lives in the city. Your answer gave me some hope in the reflection that one day too, this will be in the past an we will come out of it stronger.

Greetings to Floki!