View Full Version : Subconjunctival Hemorraghe

06-07-20, 20:15

I've not been on for a while as been managing my HA fairly well and on the whole been avoiding panicking about every little symptom but I have something that's worrying me.

I have seriously dry eyes and have done for years. I put it down to the fact that I'm have mild hypothyroidism, I take venlafaxine and I'm at that wonderful hormonal phase of life.

Anyway over the period of the last 10 or so years I've had a few sub conjunctival hemmoraghes. The first time it happened it scared the life out of me so I went to the dr who took my blood pressure but wasn't concerned and said it happens.

Since then they've occured every couple of years, always in the same eye and always in the same spot where I have really prominent veins. I've not worried too much as they go in a few days and I've always put in down to the fact my eyes are really dry and allergic.

On Thursday of last week I got some shampoo in my eyes and it stung like mad. I tried treating it with eye drops on Friday but they were just red raw and then on Friday afternoon I bent down and as I got up I noted the same vein had bled slightly.

I decided that as I hadn't had my eyes tested for a few years (too scared of being diagnosed with something awful) it was time to go and get them checked.

I went to the optician on Saturday and they said all good with the eyes. My pressure was high side of normal but retinal photos and field test fine so not concerned. However, I asked her about the hemmoraghes and told her they occur every couple of years in the same place, thinking she'd say it was a dodgy capillary and she said I needed to go an see my Dr and get my blood checked for disorders.

To be honest it's scared the life out of me and I've been googling ever since. I'd always thought it was due to my allergies and my eyes being so dry, especially since they've always occurred at times when my eyes have been really irritated and sore.

Now I'm thinking I have something awful as I've read Multiple Myeloma can present with recurrent hemorraghes.

I did ring my surgery and spoke to a nurse who said it sounds like the shampoo getting in my eye could have caused it and when I told her about having them a few times over the years in the same place she said it happens and once it goes once they tend to reoccur.

Does anyone on here have any experience of this ? The nurse asked me to check my blood pressure which I did twice and she said they were perfectly good readings so not to worry.

The thing is I bruise easily, always have done. My gums bleed but then they always have as well and that's usually when I've not been flossing properly, so now as you can imagine I'm thinking there is something underlying that's causing this.

I hate HA, if I had the guts I'd ask for a blood test to reassure me but this is what's also worrying me as I haven't had a blood count for ages as I'm paranoid it will show something terrible. I've had basics like Thyroid, cholesterol etc but nothing else.

My husband said happening every couple of years is not frequent reoccurences and no one else would remember when they happened and how often but because I'm so obsessed with my health I remember everything.

If anyone can offer any advice on this or has experienced this I'd love to know before I send myself completely mad.