View Full Version : panicky newbie

23-10-07, 18:53
hi, i am 23 years old and have the panic disorder. it's hard to make it through the day sometimes, without just wanting to flip out and check myself into a hospital. i remember the first real panic attack i had was when i was 12 years old. i was hysterical and my mom drove to the hospital because i told her that i was going to die any second and we had to get there very soon so that i would live. my mother new exactly what was wrong with me because she suffers too. so do my brother and sister. when i think back, i can remember having these panicky feelings when i was as young as 4 years old. everyday i live in a constant fear with a pain in my chest and it's so hard to swallow. it feels like someone is choking me and i try to tell myself that it will pass, that it's all in my head. i'm only 23, i'm too young to have this happening to me and i've suffered long enough (almost 12 years).

After suffering for about 8 years, i went about 2 years without having any real problems and then it all came back at full speed about 2 weeks ago. i have almost been in a constant panic attack for 2 weeks now. the worst i've ever had. and that's why i am here. i want some consoling. i worry that i'll die. i worry that i'll lose control of my thoughts and my breathing and i am ashamed that i have this. i am embarrassed because when i try to tell friends or strangers, they don't understand. i'm afraid they'll think that i'm crazy and i know that i'm not. what makes me different is that i refuse to take medication for this. it is a constant struggle, but i rely on my deep breathing, st. johns wort, chamomile tea, burning sage to keep the negative thoughts away, and boiling fresh lavender in water for the aroma. i will try anything natural, but i grew up with a mother who has severe panic disorder, depression, and agoraphobia. she relies on her mental medications and wont get out of bed. she constantly plays the victim and feels sorry for herself and doeson't want to help herself and i don't want to be that way. i want to live and be happy and panic free. sometimes i can go weeks with no panic, just some depression, and then it will hit me and the panic will last for days on end. it's wearing my body out. i constanly feel tired and sore like i've been running for years. i always said that i would never have this disorder because of what i saw my mother go through. i knew that i was strong enough, but it happened anyway and all i can do is wake up every new day and hope that's the day that it goes away for good.

23-10-07, 19:20
Hi Gretta

welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also Gretta that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page, im sure you will find them of interest also.:)


23-10-07, 19:48

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

23-10-07, 20:37
Hi Gretta,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and you will get support.



23-10-07, 20:51
Hello Gretta,:hugs: :hugs:

Welcome to NMP. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Have you checked out the left side of the forum, theres lots of great advice there.

Also know that you aren't alone and that we all here know what you are going through everyday.

I won't take regular meds either. I am currently taking Seredyn, it's all natural and I am having great effects with it. There are none of the side effects of the normal meds.

Hang in there and don't let this beat you. It sounds like you know alot about this to me.

If you need a friend I am here, I have had anxiety panic for 6 yrs, and thanks to this site and the people here I am on my road to recovery. Thats a long hard road, but I am going to beat it this time.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!!!!!!

23-10-07, 21:25
Hi Gretta and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

24-10-07, 00:52
Hello Gretta And Welcome To The Site We All Understand What Your Going Thru,it Is Hard To Explain To People Who Never Experienced Panic Attacks Ect.but Just Know This You Will Get Better........i Wish Ya The Best.......linda

24-10-07, 19:06
Hi Gretta

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help.

28-10-07, 04:25
Hi Gretta

I am also new to the site. Just read your post and found it similar to my own history. I too grew up with a mum who suffers from depression and probarbly some degree of panic disorder although it has not been diagnosed as far as i know. I too remember her having to stay in bed and seeing the medication on her bedside table. I now know they were tranquilizers prescribed to her for depression. I still to this day still listen to every single problem she has. Out of four daughters I am the only one she talks to. I am also the only one of four daughters diagnosed with panic disorder. I have always felt guilty, and partly blamed myself for her problems, as long as I can remember. I am 37 years old now and for the first time in my life I have said to myself. "Time to look after me". I know it will be hard and I love my mum but I know now it is time to think about me now. Maybe you could do the same. Maybe it is time to look after us now. Hope you feel better soon. :yesyes: