View Full Version : Surgery TOMORROW! Send me all the good vibes!

07-07-20, 19:44
It's really happening, guys! My hysterectomy is tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty nervous today but managing ok. I'm trying to take it easy, watch movies, and relax. I still don't know what time I have to be there so I'm anxiously awaiting the call from my surgeon's office. I'll be going alone because of Covid and spending two nights in the hospital (with no visitors) as long as all goes as planned. I'll also have my umbilical hernia repaired, which caused me so much stress a few years back!

07-07-20, 19:51
Sending you lots of good vibes! I’ll be thinking of you & look forward to hearing about the recovery.

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07-07-20, 19:55
Wishing you all the very best, Erin! Make the most of being able to recover from your anaesthetic without having to pretend you are fine to your loved ones..I hope you are near the top of the operating list and that all goes smoothly..You will be so glad to get these procedures out of the way! Take care and we look forward to hearing from you when you are feeling stronger and better xx

07-07-20, 20:03
Good luck, let us know how you do - hopefully the hospital will let you sneak a post in while you recover.

And I agree with the above poster, take time to recover from the anaesthetic. Take a day or two off just to make sure. Here's hoping the hospital staff treats you well, I had a liver biopsy done a few months ago and the staff were awesome.

07-07-20, 20:19
Best of luck. I hope all goes well

07-07-20, 20:27
:hugs: You'll be fine. Keep us updated when you can.

07-07-20, 20:32
Good luck xx

07-07-20, 21:16
Thanks everyone. I'm at 8:30am, so glad I won't have a lot of waiting tomorrow! I'll have my phone and computer with me so I'll definitely post an update when I'm up for it! I've heard it's very peaceful in hospitals right now, so I'm trying to think of it as a break. My friend had a double mastectomy in March for breast cancer and keeps telling me it was like a vacation! I wish I had that level of calm!

07-07-20, 21:24
While surgery of any kind is not fun, they do give you the good stuff so you won't be caring too much about that once they inject it ;)

I'm sure all will go well :) Sending as always....

Positive thoughts

07-07-20, 21:29
LUUUUUUCK! Will be thinking of you!

07-07-20, 22:31
Hope it goes well, Erin :hugs:

07-07-20, 22:33
The one upside is that it'll be the first time in 118 days that I'll eat food I didn't cook and be around people other than my immediate family! I'm sure both of those things will be very, very weird (my mom just got here and even THAT is weird)... but I'm hoping it's a relaxing two days with no serious complications.

07-07-20, 22:36
Good luck. I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine! :)

08-07-20, 01:17
Hope all goes well, speedy recovery:-)

08-07-20, 04:43
All the best for tomorrow, Erin :flowers:

It will be a massive relief to get this done as you've been living for too long with the unpleasantness it causes you.

08-07-20, 09:23
All the best! I’ll be thinking of you, hoping for a complication free experience. Get plenty of rest when you can.

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08-07-20, 09:37
Good luck Erin and wishing you a speedy recovery :flowers:

08-07-20, 12:30
Same here, good luck with it, you'll feel like a new woman in no time at all :)

08-07-20, 12:37
All the best for the surgery today. It will all be worth it when you're on the road to recovery xx

08-07-20, 18:28
I chickened out. 😔 I got there, I was even hooked up to the IV. My surgeon came in and went over everything. Then he said he'd be out of town the rest of the week doing surgeries elsewhere tomorrow and Friday. That upset me because I had no one with me and he was the only familiar face I'd see even if only for a few moments a day. I also chose him because I trusted him so much in case of an to issues post-op. I was already having a panic attack and I burst into tears saying I didn't know if I could do it. He immediately said I should postpone. He said, it's elective surgery and I shouldn't do it if I'm not ready. He said to come see him in a few weeks and we can talk more thoroughly through all options. He said if we reschedule we'll make sure it's when he'll be there the whole time and when someone can come with me. Being alone was heinous. If I'd had someone I think I could have calmed down and managed, but waiting alone and waking up alone and then spending two nights alone just didn't feel right once I was there.

08-07-20, 18:34
Ohh, Erin! Please don't beat yourself up over this.

Sending massive hugs your way. :bighug1:

08-07-20, 19:13
It's very hard doing anything where you have to be in the hospital alone. I don't blame you; you shouldn't blame you. One of my friends have to give birth ALONE. First time birth, in the hospital alone because of Covid. She was so scared and upset, but of course, you can't hold the baby in! At least you can reschedule for a time when this will be easier to have someone with you.

TC of you! :hugs:

08-07-20, 19:16
Oh Erin it’s ok! It’s a brave decision either way & your surgeon sounds so nice.

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08-07-20, 19:36
Much better to have the surgery when you know your chosen surgeon will definitely be around post-op to support you. You chose him for a reason after all and that includes your aftercare. Definitely a very sensible and wise decision. Elective surgery means just that..The right time,place and surgeon xx

09-07-20, 01:00
Thanks so much, everyone! It was a hard day but I'm feeling good about the decision. I think I have been underestimating the trauma of this pandemic and I think because of the pandemic the surgery was an after thought. I worried about it, but I never really sat with the worry and worked through it. I kept worrying about my daughter and how she'd handle me having this major surgery after 4 months of pandemic but didn't consider me! Once I was there it all rushed at me at once. With no one there to support me it was impossible to ground myself.

I will meet with my surgeon in three weeks and talk more about what to do next. I'm going to take my time and plan the surgery more deliberately rather than trying to cram it in to fit my school or Covid numbers, etc... It's a huge decision to remove my uterus and I kind of got on a conveyor belt and rode up to it before realizing what was happening. I'm really glad my surgeon was so kind.

09-07-20, 05:00
I think medical staff will understand how this difficult period makes things harder for those with mental health issues. Many of them are in that club themselves.

Your surgeon recommended waiting because you weren't fully behind it without his care. That's quite flattering for him as he knows how much you trust & believe in him. So perhaps he will understand and book you in sooner rather than later knowing this and your case history?

09-07-20, 08:30
As long as you feel comfortable and all is in the best interest of your health.

Take care!

09-07-20, 21:58
It must have taken a lot of guts to make that decision when everyone is ready to operate. For this reason alone you should be proud of yourself. If you weren't happy with the situation and the surgeon agreed then good for you.