View Full Version : More war and virus anxiety

08-07-20, 11:07
I'm practically at the end of my rope. It's bad enough that everything else is happening, but I'm hearing about a border crisis between China and India. Perhaps those tensions will come to a head - a WARhead! On top of that, there's another swine flu in China that may morph into another human pandemic, because one wasn't enough to wipe us out! :scared15: Someone please tell me it's not true...

08-07-20, 12:25
alrightie, frank, i can help you with this, because i had the same anxiety over this specific issue. with the india vs china thing, i actually talked to my brother-in-law about this, who's VERY educated on this sort of thing (he was a soldier in afghanistan so he knows how war works and what it's like)

he said to me that that particular skirmish near the border you probs heard about, only killed 20 people. 20! it wasnt as big as the media's making it out to be. you and i both know that the media is notorious for blowing things out of proportion. now i dont mean to make it out to be completely nothing, and that's only because i just wish we didnt have to kill others over certain things, but sadly, it happens. i havent heard anything about it since it was trending on twitter almost a month ago. trust me i dont think china and india are going to bomb eachother over a border skirmish. that's WAY too much trouble for what it's worth.

that whole swine flu thing in china as well - literal fearmongering at it's finest. they did the same thing with a SINGLE case of the bubonic plague there recently as well. do you know how many cases there are of the plague here in america a year? and besides - the plague can be cured. they tried to do the same thing with hantavirus earlier this year as well.

i really dont think you have anything to worry about. i know things have been tough because of isolation and it's easy to slip into old bad habits, you should be kind to yourself and do things that you enjoy. what music have you been listening to lately?

08-07-20, 12:39
I'm practically at the end of my rope. It's bad enough that everything else is happening, but I'm hearing about a border crisis between China and India. Perhaps those tensions will come to a head - a WARhead! On top of that, there's another swine flu in China that may morph into another human pandemic, because one wasn't enough to wipe us out! :scared15: Someone please tell me it's not true...

You are the definition of the phrase 'you are your own worst enemy'.

Again, for the millionth time, news has been like this for decades. None of what you are reading is new, or any more dangerous or likely than it's ever been.

Stop reading the bloody stuff if it causes you so much anxiety. It's ridiculous that you keep acting out the same patterns.

08-07-20, 15:48
alrightie, frank, i can help you with this, because i had the same anxiety over this specific issue. with the india vs china thing, i actually talked to my brother-in-law about this, who's VERY educated on this sort of thing (he was a soldier in afghanistan so he knows how war works and what it's like)

he said to me that that particular skirmish near the border you probs heard about, only killed 20 people. 20! it wasnt as big as the media's making it out to be. you and i both know that the media is notorious for blowing things out of proportion. now i dont mean to make it out to be completely nothing, and that's only because i just wish we didnt have to kill others over certain things, but sadly, it happens. i havent heard anything about it since it was trending on twitter almost a month ago. trust me i dont think china and india are going to bomb eachother over a border skirmish. that's WAY too much trouble for what it's worth.

that whole swine flu thing in china as well - literal fearmongering at it's finest. they did the same thing with a SINGLE case of the bubonic plague there recently as well. do you know how many cases there are of the plague here in america a year? and besides - the plague can be cured. they tried to do the same thing with hantavirus earlier this year as well.

i really dont think you have anything to worry about. i know things have been tough because of isolation and it's easy to slip into old bad habits, you should be kind to yourself and do things that you enjoy. what music have you been listening to lately?

Thanks, that actually is reassuring. Ah, I haven't listened to much in the way of music, usually I just pick a video and listen to it. Or a live stream.

08-07-20, 17:11
What happens when you read something that isn't reassuring again?

10-07-20, 21:01
It seems that China's getting it in the neck for pretty much everything that's wrong with the world ATM, as if they're now the 'bogeyman' country!!

Remember we survived the previous Swine Flu pandemic 11 years ago which never quite materialised into the Armageddon that was originally predicted by The Daily Fail, The Scum, etc. And this thing at the China-India border doesn't automatically spell a WW3 willy-nilly, as we have had plenty of similar incidents around the world post- WW2 that never even got that far. The trouble is that nowadays we have endless 24/7 rolling news channels, an increasingly sensationalist (conventional) press all trying to outdo each other, and not forgetting social media where people constantly rile each other up, sometimes even over seemingly trivial things!!