View Full Version : Vision Issue - Glitter/Sparkles When Moving

09-07-20, 00:53
Hi there! I'm going through some vision struggles right now and would just like to know if others have any ideas. Let me preface that I have been having major stress since March (like many others, I know!) Obviously related to the virus and lifestyle changes, as well as difficult family situations - especially over the last two weeks. I'm posting here in hopes that others have gone through something similar.

Late March/early April, I would get stars/glittery visual disturbance when I would turn my head or make sudden movements (up and down fast, etc.) It was pretty sporadic about 10 days ago. I have been getting it probably 15 times a day (some days less), and it does go away after about four seconds every time. But it's just sort of driving me crazy. Sometimes when I turn my eye, sometimes when I get up, or lay down. The reason it scares me is that it's not like once a day - it's more than that.

I went to the eye doctors last week (I have bad vision) and he dilated my eyes and checked my retina. He said all looked fine - I have a follow up next week with him. My initial fear was that it had to do with my eyesight, because that's always scared me and it drove me nuts. I made an appointment for Monday with my doctor, just to see what it is...I just have so much anxiety waiting for that appointment. I'm afraid it's blood pressure related, or even worse. Would an eye doctor pick up on blood pressure? For reference, I'm 30, normal weight. I am not nearly as active as I was pre-quarantine, however. I have been working from home every single day.

Is it possible to be anxiety related? Or not? Any thoughts/ideas would be SO appreciated! I'm so sick of being anxious about this all the time and just want it to be over. Of course I'll be losing my mind until my doctor's appointment :unsure:

14-07-20, 21:15
It is extremely possible that it could be anxiety related. There is actually a report written on how stress affects vision, and it is quite conclusive that anxiety in general, can cause vision issues. That said, I think you are doing the right thing by visiting your eye doctor.

Eye doctors/opticians are very well trained. This is their job. they do this everyday. The fact that he has said that everything looks "fine" indicates to me that you probably have nothing to worry about. The eyes can tell a lot about your general health. High blood pressure and diabetes can both be detected by an eye test - my father actually got diagnosed with BOTH after going to the opticians, and it was quite straightforward. Considering you say that you are 30, and are a good weight, this would indicate to me that you are not in a high risk category of having high blood pressure.

The only advice I can give, is that worrying yourself silly up until the doctors appointment will not change the outcome of the appointment, and I am almost certain from the information you have given me that you have nothing to worry about. Once you have been given the all clear from your doctors, I would begin to attack anxiety head on as this seems to be the real issue here.

God bless,


21-07-20, 14:30
Thank you so much for answering! I know that it meant taking time out of your day to reassure me, and I appreciate that. And it was very helpful to hear about your own experience. Makes me not feel so alone! I agree with you that I desperately need to address the underlying anxiety here, so I need to figure that out. That should probably be top priority.

Figured I would share an update... I got a chem panel, CBC, thyroid (I have hypothyroidism for years) - all came back normal. My initial blood pressure was 116/67 and then later, 118/87. I felt 67 was sort of low? She didn't seem too concerned. I also got tested for iron because I have heavy periods, and that came back low, but she said I'm not anemic. The doctor wants me to start a multivitamin and get more iron in my diet. Currently, my vision issues are now mostly when I wake up in bed in the morning, and when I'm laying in bed at night, multiple times (even just laying there, flat or slightly moving, worse when on my side) and sometimes when bending over and getting up.

Does this all sound like low iron? Perhaps I'm making it worse with my anxiety? Or I'm being too inactive? The doctor seemed to think it could be low iron (from periods) causing this, but wants to see me for a follow up in a few months. Just wish I could move on and be done with the fixation on it!

21-07-20, 20:13

I have just almost got over anxiety around my eyes and vision. You maybe have come across lots of threads I made.

I think anxiety can absolutely cause vision issues. Now that I have settled a lot, my symptoms have changed dramatically. I think we get ourselves so fixated that we notice every little detail.

I hope you can feel better soon as I know how deliberating anxiety is.

Take care.

23-07-20, 00:54
Thank you so much, Emily! I really do appreciate your comment. It makes me feel hopeful that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for my vision anxiety. Thank you again! :hugs:


I have just almost got over anxiety around my eyes and vision. You maybe have come across lots of threads I made.

I think anxiety can absolutely cause vision issues. Now that I have settled a lot, my symptoms have changed dramatically. I think we get ourselves so fixated that we notice every little detail.

I hope you can feel better soon as I know how deliberating anxiety is.

Take care.

23-07-20, 02:41
I actually currently take iron supplements because of the benefits of taking them. They make me feel much more energised and alert, so I would recommend increasing your intake.

Doctors are sworn by oath to work in your best interests and from what you have posted, your doctor doesn't seem that worried about your overall health. If your doctor was worried that a serious, severe, life-changing illness was the reason for your vision issues, they wouldn't be asking for a follow up in "a few months."

Focus on taking your multivitamins and fighting your anxiety and I'm sure everything will fall into place.

God bless,
