View Full Version : Stomach is tight and bloated - HA spiralling again

09-07-20, 19:30
Hi everyone

My mind has gone down a hole of spiralling health anxiety again. For the past 5 days my tummy has felt really right, almost like a dragging feeling inside, and bloated and gassy. It doesn’t look bloated but just feels it. I’m so paranoid about it that it’s become more constant. I have IBS D which doesn’t usually bloat for me so now I’m terrified it’s Ovarian Cancer!! :’( I read about some of the symptoms a few weeks ago but it feels impossible it’s all in my head! I really don’t want more unnecessary trips to the doctors, as that just makes it worse. I’m buying a new house and should be excited but all I feel is dread like I won’t even live long enough to enjoy it.

Does this sound like ovarian cancer? I’m a 26y/o female.
