View Full Version : Had surgery and GA this morning, but finding difficult to wee?

10-07-20, 15:55
Just after a little advice as above really. Ive drank lots but not really able to empty my bladder? Nurse said dehydration could be cause, but ive drank 2 jugs of water and 2 coffees. I have gone a little but really have to concentrate (sorry if tmi!) usually I just have to look at a coffee and I need a wee, so am surprised. Is this quite common after a GA and a procedure? Thanks!

10-07-20, 17:47
Never had a procedure so not sure, but I hope you can have a wee soon :hugs:

10-07-20, 19:56
It was so long ago since I had a GA that I can’t remember. I bet it is normal though, GA does all sorts of funny (but temporary) things to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

10-07-20, 21:07
You'll have been nil by mouth before the op and GAs slow everything down so as long as you've passed some urine I wouldn't worry and things will get back to normal very soon. Just keep drinking moderate amounts of water and your kidneys will know what to do!

Hope you feel better soon.