View Full Version : Am i a bum?

Keep going
23-10-07, 21:36
Hi, ok at the mo i'm doing limited work because of stress and other things. But i have been through uni, held a professional job for 5 years, worked since 16, had a house, got a car.

And i 'am doing course to reduce more stress and improve mood. But still... am i a bum??:shrug:


fretty freda
24-10-07, 08:21
hiya stu ,

NO NO NO your not because if you are i am NO were not

I have been off sick for 5 weeks and have done next to nothing but like you i have been to uni and had a professional job for the last 6 years thats why were blinkin stressed !!!!
people get stressed for all different reasons it depends on the induvidials circumstances

its time for us to have a break and rechanrge our batteries weve stressed for long enough dont feel guilty mate take time out like me it will do you good

hope your feelin better soon :hugs:

24-10-07, 10:34
You're not a bum. You just need some time to deal with emotional and physical health. Take as much as time as you need to get better.

Pink Panic
24-10-07, 13:05
NO you are not a bum. You just need time to recover, don't be so hard on yourself.

Take good care


24-10-07, 13:20
Stu Your Not A Bum By Any Means I Understand Tho How You Feel I Felt That Way At Some Point Of This Disorder Of Mine, No One Ask To Get Sick Mentaly Or Physically..all In Time You Will Get Back To That Full Time...hang In There Keep Ya Chin Up....wish Ya The Best.......linda Xx

24-10-07, 14:01
Are you doing what you can?? No one can ask more of you than that!!

The short answer - NO you're not a bum!!

By the way a bum wouldn't ask if he/she were a bum :)


24-10-07, 14:12
You are certainly no bum Stu, you are doing what you can and you shouldnt
knock yourself for that. Keep up to good work and you will succeed.


24-10-07, 19:10
Stu mate, I ain't worked for years. Yes I'm fat and out of shape and DO sit around a lot at times but I am a damn good person and so are you and never let anyone tell you different mate ok?



Keep going
25-10-07, 21:35
Hi peeps thanks for the responses, much appreciated. Its those ANTS trying to get me again!!


fretty freda
25-10-07, 23:17
sorry for being daft but what are ants ?

Keep going
26-10-07, 17:22
Hi Gill06, ANTS are automatic negative thoughts. you need to forget those and promote the positive thoughts:)


fretty freda
26-10-07, 19:36
yeh your right i do too xxxxxxx