View Full Version : What happened to my period?

11-07-20, 15:27
I started on Prozac in February and it has changed my life! I知 coping with my HA so we値l, living life happily and looking forward to my wedding in 7 weeks!
BUT I just wondered if anyone could help me with this niggle....

I have a 24 day cycle, and this month, on the day my period was due, there was fresh red blood on the tissue after wiping when I went for a wee. It seemed quite heavy and I assumed this was the start of my period...so I popped on a sanitary pad and went about my day.
But the next time I went to the loo, my pad was dry. 3 days have passed and I致e had no more bleeding. So I致e basically missed a period apart from a small bleed when I wiped.

I知 beyond tired too...completely exhausted with no energy to do anything. But other than that, no other symptoms.

I know peoples first thought will be pregnancy...but we havnt had sex since my last period. The last time we did was about 2 months ago.

Does anyone know what might have caused this? I知 usually regular as clockwork, so I知 getting a bit worried. Trying not to google or to spiral back into a dark place, but unsure whether I should be getting checked out?

I guess my biggest worry is that my period is just late, and that bleeding was due to something sinister!

11-07-20, 19:02
The most likely culprit is stress. I was late by almost 2 weeks a few months ago due to stress from a move. Stress can cause your period to be late, or it can cause you to have a period with just spotting/light bleeding and the other crappy symptoms.

11-07-20, 23:15
I think it's just one of those random things. Maybe you just didn't ovulate this month.

I'm always regular as well, but I remember something similar happening to me once. It was just a sort of extremely light, short period. Then everything went back to normal.

You can take ovulation tests and/or monitor your body temperature - once you get a positive result and/or your temperature rises you'll know your period will come in about two weeks :)

13-07-20, 12:04
Thanks for the replies.
I致e taken a pregnancy test this morning and was very shocked to get a positive!
However, it was an Asda test which are notorious for giving false positives.
I知 so confused right now!

13-07-20, 13:46
Ah, congrats 🙂 maybe your last 'period' was actually implantation bleeding?

13-07-20, 15:14
Ah, congrats 🙂 maybe your last 'period' was actually implantation bleeding?

Thanks, but just tested again and got a negative, so I think that first test was a dud.
Just more 2020 weirdness!

13-07-20, 15:34
Oh, that is very strange. It's really rare to get false positives. Could you possibly have had a chemical pregnancy or similar? Maybe in light of the pregnancy test weirdness you should see your doctor if your period doesn't come soon, but yeah perhaps it's just one of those strange things! 2020 is full of them, that's for sure 🙄

13-07-20, 17:51
Yeah, I think a trip to the doc, just to be sure, is in order here.